ࡱ> @B? R%bjbj8,     $/ CCCCC(******$K2NiNCCdddCC(d(dddC`i  .d0d}N}d}ddNNd} :  0Astrobiology 0)YSOuirf[ N0QHr`Q WS_'Yf[YVYePg-N_VfN[6eυv 0)YSOuirf[ 01uVel]Addison-WesleyQHr>y2005t^QHr0\OJonathan I.LunineYec;NLfyf[Tirtf[ebv z N NN/f=O)ReuWDmYeLxvzXT v^NbNN)RQh'Yf[t)YSOirtR;N-^0,gfN586u :Ns^ňHr :N0 N0Q[{N 0)YSOuirf[ 0/f)YSOuirf[ zebN,ghQbvYeyfN0Internationally renowned authority Jonathan Lunine gives students with a variety of backgrounds a solid foundation in the essential concepts of physics, chemistry, biology, and other relevant sciences to help them achieve a well-rounded understanding of the fascinating study of the origin of life, planetary evolution, and life in the cosmos.VEw TvCgZTN~hLunineǏZW[virt Sf[ uir NSvQN gsQvyf[W@x .^Rf[uhQbvNu}Tvwn LfۏS [[-Nvu}TI{NN*gwy[0 T7hُ,gfN NN(uyf[ _N(uNk*N`wS[[-NsQN^yGYu}TvN`vN Lunine describes his book as "a comprehensive treatment of astrobiology for upper level undergraduate students and beginning graduate students". LunineN~NvW\O:N :N,gyuTxvzu(uv~T)YSOuirf[ 0 The book is also targeted at senior scientists who want an introduction to this new discipline.ُ,gfN؏[ؚ~yf[[N~NNevSs0 The resulting volume of 586 densely packed pages is a tour de force of basic physics and chemistry as well as biology and planetary science. The first half the book leads the reader through the fundamentals of physics, biochemistry, and microbiology essential to understanding the origin of life. NJS,gfN_ǏW,gvirt uirSf[ _uirf[wƋtu}Tvwn0 The second half covers life on Earth, the habitability of Mars, Europa and Titan, other planetary systems, the co-evolution of life and its host planet, and the evolution of intelligence. NJS萆v0Wt Nvu}T kpfvSE\OO'` (gkSNTWkSmQ vQNLf|~ qQ TۏSvǏ zToS`QI{0 The mostly monochrome illustrations are well selected, but printing quality occasionally lapses -- the only reason I rate this book four stars and not five. N0,gfNv>yOS f ُ,gfN/fYdkvN Nw (Wm^T^^ N[)YSOuirf[vN~܏܏ǏNvQNNUOW\O& /fNyASRQrv]\O0 Frank Drake  SETI Institute \O(WN~wƋTbU\tQ N/fYdkQr \O:NN,gpgQvwƋ'`W\O v,:Thb p r | $ X \ $&4:P*,048PRHLNⲡ%h"qhM0JB*CJOJQJph!h"qhMB*CJOJQJph$h"qhMB*CJOJQJo(phh"qhMCJKHOJQJo(h"qhMCJOJQJh"qhMCJOJQJo(h"qhM5CJOJQJo(8,:b p {{ffUD`VDU]^`fgdMh7$8$UD`VDUWD]^`hgdMUD`VDUWD]^`gdMcUD`VDVWD]^`cgdMUD`VDU]^`gdMUD`VDUWD]^`gdM VDU^gdMgdM FHh(,08BFJNPX^bf~߼||i|||߬||\߬h"qhMCJOJQJ%h"qhM0J<CJOJQJ\o(h"qhMCJOJQJ\o(h"qhMCJOJQJ\"h"qhM0JCJOJQJ\o(h"qhM0JCJOJQJ\h"qhMCJKHOJQJo(U h"qhMCJKHOJQJ^Jh"qhMCJOJQJo(#h"qhMCJKHOJQJ^Jo($OYyf[[_N\ gtQS0 David Morrison---- 0Planetary Systems 0v\O V0vU_ MR ^NHN/f)YSOuirf[ 10)YSOuirf[vSS̀of 202.220222222Essential Concepts I: Some Basic Physics of Forces and Particles.W,gi_NNNW,girtRT|P[ 303.3 222200 W,gW,gW,gi_NirtSf[ 4.Necessary Concepts III: The Chemistry of Life.40W,gi_ NuirSf[ 505.[[-Nu}TwnvW@x 6.60u}TwnvLff[W@xPlanetological Foundations for the Origin of Life.u}TrS*Nu}T 7.70Thermodynamic Foundations for the Origin of Life.u}Twnwu}TwnvpRf[W@x 780u}Twnvuirf[W@x 9.Specific Models for the Origin of Life.90uirY7h'`v1ueg 10.Signs of Life: The Span of Terrestrial Biotic Environments.100gz--荊F0WuX[sX 11.Planetary Evolution I: Earth as a Habitable World.110LfoSN0Wt\O:NN*NSE\OOftvoS 12.Planetary Evolution II: The History of Mars.120LfoSNkpfvSS 13.Planetary Evolution III: The Significance of Europa and Titan.130LfoS N(gkSNTWkSmQv͑'` 14.Life Elsewhere I: Direct Detection of Life (Mars, Europa, Titan).140g*N0Wevu}TNvcc[Sb*Y3|(WQv[[-Nv*gwu}T 15.Life Elsewhere II: The Discovery of Extra-Solar Planetary Systems and the Search for Habitable Planets.150g*N0Wevu}TN|YLf|~vc"}SsT[~bSE\OOb]E\OOu}TvNLu 16.External and Internal Influences in the Evolution of Life.160u}TۏSǏ zvQ(WTY(Wq_T 17.Complex Life, Evolution of Intelligence and the Persistence of Civilization.170zfoSNefc~ "}_ ыNhgk WS_'Yf[u}Tyf[f[b B~ :!b"%%%%%$7$8$WD`a$gdMUD`]^gdMfUD`VDU]^`fgdM^h~ !!.!:!@!!!˽۰˽˽˽}`E5h"qhMB*CJOJQJfH@o(phq 9h"qhM0JB*CJOJQJ\fH@phq (h"qhM0JB*CJOJQJ\phh"qhMCJOJQJ\h"qhMCJOJQJ\o(h"qhMCJOJQJh"qhMCJOJQJo(h"qhM0JCJOJQJ\%h"qhM0J<CJOJQJ\o("h"qhM0JCJOJQJ\o(!!!8">"X"b"""#*#.#$$$$&$0$6$8$<$H$J$N$R$$$$$%%%%%%õõõõõzs hMhs Th"qhMCJKHOJQJo(h"qhMCJOJQJh"qhMCJOJQJ\o(h"qhMCJOJQJ\h"qhMCJOJQJo(h"qhM0JCJOJQJ\!h"qhMB*CJOJQJph5h"qhMB*CJOJQJ\fH@phq "6182P:ps T. 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