Fields Medal Winner Artur Avila Appointed as NKU Guest Professor


Artur Avila, a Fields Medal winner and mathematician, was appointed as a guest professor of Nankai University and gave a lecture to Nankai faculty and students at the Shiing-Shen Chern Lecture. Chen Yulu, President of Nankai University, attended the event and presented a letter of appointment to Professor Artur Avila. Vice President Bai Chengming presided over the ceremony.

The event took place at the Xingshen Building on Balitai Campus. Hou Zixin, former president of Nankai University; Long Yiming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Chern Institute of Mathematics; You Jiangong, a chair professor at Nankai University and a professor at Chern Institute of Mathematics; Raphael Krikorian, a professor at École Polytechnique in France also attended the event, as well as more than 300 representative faculty and students from Chern Institute of Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, and School of Statistics and Data Science of Nankai University. 

It is a great honor for me to be appointed as a guest professor at Nankai University, said Artur Avila in his acceptance speech. It allows me to share my insights and experience in the field of mathematics with the mathematics research team of Nankai University. What I've experienced these days is extremely valuable and enjoyable for me, especially the opportunity to communicate with Nankai University's faculty and students. I look forward to our in-depth and friendly exchanges and cooperation.

After the appointment ceremony, Artur Avila delivered an academic lecture entitled Renormalization, Fractal Geometry and Newhouse Phenomenon to the faculty and students. 

Artur Avila began with Poincaré's research on the motion of celestial bodies, and introduced the Newhouse phenomenon, the complex fractal geometry caused by such complex phenomena, and the renormalization method of studying fractal geometry. He explained complex concepts in simple terms using vivid examples and fascinating metaphors. 

After the lecture, the faculty and students discussed academic issues with Artur Avila.

Artur Avila is a professor at the University of Zurich and a professor at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Brazil, and is known as one of the world's most preeminent analysts. He has received many international awards, including the Fields Medal, the highest international accolade in mathematics, which he received at the age of 35. He made a great contribution to the development of dynamical systems theory, which is regarded as having changed the face of this field

Artur Avila's trip to Nankai University can also be found on Xinhua News: GLOBALink and the url is:

(Edited and translated by Nankai News Team.)
