






刘雨,2023年入职南开大学,现任南开大学讲席教授,国家级高层次引进人才。于法国国立应用科学学院获博士学位。历任新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学院环境工程系教授(2001-2023)、新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学院科研副院长(2011-2014)、新加坡南洋理工大学先进环境生物技术中心主任(2014-2018)、新加坡南洋理工大学环境工程项目主任(2019-2022)、新加坡南洋理工大学污水再生回用及生物固体废物资源化项目主任(2021-2023)等。主持了多项新加坡政府机构和企业资助的基础研究和示范工程项目,多项技术转移授权给工业界。由ElsevierWileyCRC PressIWA Publishing等出版社出版英文论著8部。2019年在斯坦福大学和Elsevier依据Scopus数据库对全球近700万名学者的论文综合评价公开发布的引用最多的前10万名科学家的榜单中位列全球环境工程学科第25位。2023年全球前2%科学家中,位列终身榜单第6381位,年度榜单第3607位,子领域 “环境工程19位,生物技术13位。获新加坡国家科技奖(新加坡最高科研奖),新加坡国家发展部研发奖,并于2014年由新加坡总统授予新加坡公共行政铜质勋章等奖励。





Ø  新加坡可持续发展和环境部: Demonstration of integrated used water reclamation processes towards enhanced energy recovery and minimized sludge production. S$ 3,122,600.00, 2019.01-2023.02,主持

Ø  新加坡国家发展部与新加坡可持续发展和环境部: Pilot demonstration of ultrafast conversion of food waste to biofertilizer with zero solid discharge. S$ 969,640.00, 2018.12 -2021.12主持

Ø  中国-新加坡国际联合研究院:将厨余废弃物转化为生物甲烷技术示范. RMB 100, 2017.07 -2021.03,主持

Ø  新加坡教育部: A novel environmentally friendly integrated pre-concentration and solidification technology for radioactive wastewater treatment. S$ 99500.00, 2019.11-2021.04,主持

Ø  新加坡教育部: An environmentally sustainable method for online chemical cleaning of membrane bioreactor with activated peroxymonosulfate towards reduced membrane refouling. S$ 197550.00, 2022.03-2023.03,主持


在环境和水处理主流SCI期刊发表论文380余篇,Google Scholar总引用34200余次,h指数92


Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yu-Liu-35




1.        Zhang X., An L., Tian J., Ji B., Lu J., Liu, Y.* (2023) Microalgal capture of carbon dioxide: A carbon sink or source? Bioresource Technology, 2023, 129824.

2.        Zhang, X., Tian, J., Jiang, Y., Geng, Y., Liu, Y.* (2023). Direct ammonium recovery from the permeate of a pilot-scale anaerobic MBR by biochar to advance low-carbon municipal wastewater reclamation and urban agriculture. Science of the Total Environment, 877, 162872.

3.        Zhang, X., Liu, Y.* (2022). Resource recovery from municipal wastewater: A critical paradigm shift in the post era of activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 363, 127932.

4.        Zhang, X., Lei, Z. Liu, Y.* (2022). Microalgal-bacterial granular sludge for municipal wastewater treatment: From concept to practice. Bioresource Technology, 354, 127201.

5.        Zhang, X., Gu, J., Liu, Y.* (2022). Necessity of direct energy and ammonium recovery for carbon neutral municipal wastewater reclamation in an innovative anaerobic MBR-biochar adsorption-reverse osmosis process. Water Research, 211, 118058.

6.        Zhang, X., Liu, Y.* (2022). Circular economy is game-changing municipal wastewater treatment technology towards energy and carbon neutrality. Chemical Engineering Journal, 429, 132114.

7.        Zhang, M., Gu, J., Wang, S., Liu, Y.* (2021). A mainstream anammox fixed-film membrane bioreactor with novel sandwich-structured carriers for fast start-up, effective sludge retention and membrane fouling mitigation. Bioresource Technology, 126370.

8.      Zhang, X., Liu, Y.* (2021). Reverse osmosis concentrate: An essential link for closing loop of municipal wastewater reclamation towards urban sustainability. Chemical Engineering Journal, 421, 127773.

9.        Zhang, X., Liu, Y.* (2021). Circular economy-driven ammonium recovery from municipal wastewater: State of the art, challenges and solutions forward. Bioresource Technology, 334, 125231.

10.      Zhang, X., Liu, Y.* (2021). Integrated forward osmosis-adsorption process for strontium-containing water treatment: Pre-concentration and solidification. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 414, 125518.

11.      Zhang, M., Ji, B., Liu, Y.* (2021). Microalgal-bacterial granular sludge process: A game changer of future municipal wastewater treatment? Science of the Total Environment, 752, 141957.

12.      Zhang, X., Liu, Y.* (2020). Ultrafast removal of radioactive strontium ions from contaminated water by nanostructured layered sodium vanadosilicate with high adsorption capacity and selectivity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 398, 122907.

13.      Ji, B., Zhang, M., Gu, J., Ma, Y., Liu, Y.* (2020). A self-sustaining synergetic microalgal-bacterial granular sludge process towards energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable municipal wastewater treatment. Water Research, 115884.

14.      Wang, S., Chew, J.W., Liu, Y.* (2020). An environmentally sustainable approach for online chemical cleaning of MBR with activated peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Membrane Science 600, 117872.

15.      Pang, H., Li, L., He, J., Yan, Z., Ma, Y., Nan, J., Liu, Y.*(2020). New insight into enhanced production of short-chain fatty acids from waste activated sludge by cation exchange resin-induced hydrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 388, 124235.

16.      Cai WW., Han J., Zhang X., and Liu Y.* (2020). Formation mechanisms of emerging organic contaminants during on-line membrane cleaning with NaOCl in MBR. Journal of Hazardous Materials 386, 121966.

17.      Liu, H., Gu, J., Wang, SY., Zhang, M., Liu, Y.* (2020). Performance, membrane fouling control and cost analysis of an integrated anaerobic fixed-film MBR and reverse osmosis process for municipal wastewater reclamation to NEWater. Journal of Membrane Science 593, 117442.

18.      Wang, SY., Liu, H., Gu, J., Sun, H., Zhang, M., Liu, Y.* (2019). Technology feasibility and economic viability of an innovative integrated ceramic membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis process for producing ultrapure water from municipal wastewater.Chemical Engineering Journal 375, 122078.

19.      Ma, Y., Liu, Y.* (2019)Turning food waste to energy and resources towards a great environmental and economic sustainability: An innovative integrated biological approach.Biotechnology Advances 37, 107414.

20.      Gao, Z., Ma, Y., Ma, X., Wang, Q., Liu, Y.* (2019).A novel variable pH control strategy for enhancing lipid production from food waste: Biodiesel versus docosahexaenoic acid.Energy Conversion and Management 189, 60-66.

21.      Sun, H., Liu, H., Wang, S., Liu Y.*(2019). Remediation of oil spill-contaminated sands by chemical-free microbubbles generated in tap and saline water.Journal of Hazardous Materials 366, 124-129.

22.      Gu, J., Liu, Y.* (2018).Mainstream anammox in a novel A-2B process for energy-efficient municipal wastewater treatment with minimized sludge production. Water Research, 138, 1-6, 2018.

23.      Sun, H., Liu, H., Han, J., Zhang, X., Cheng, F., Liu, Y.* (2018). Chemical cleaning-associated generation of dissolved organic matter and halogenated byproducts in ceramic MBR: Ozone versus hypochlorite.  Water Research 140, 243-250.

24.      Sun, H., Liu, H., Wang, S., Cheng, F., Liu Y.* (2018). Ceramic membrane fouling by dissolved organic matter generated during on-line chemical cleaning with ozone in MBR. Water Research 146, 328-336.

25.      Cai, W., Liu, Y.* (2018).Oxidative stress induced membrane biofouling and its implications to on-line chemical cleaning in MBR. Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 344, 1917-1926.


1.      Liu Y., Gu J. and Zhang M. (2019) A-B processes: Towards Energy Self-sufficient Municipal Wastewater Treatment. IWA Publishing.

2.      Paul E. and Liu Y. (2012) Biological Sludge Minimization and Biomaterials/Bioenergy Recovery.  John Wiley & Sons, New York.

3.      Liu Y. and Wang J.L. (2009) Fundamentals and Application of Biosorption Isotherms, Kinetics and Thermodynamics.  Nova Science Publisher, New York.

4.      Liu Y. (2007) Wastewater Purification: Aerobic Granulation in Sequencing Batch Reactors.  CRC Press, Florida.

5.      Liu Y., Qin L. and Yang S.F. (2007) Microbial granulation technology for nutrient removal from wastewater. Nova Science Publisher, New York.

6.      Tay J.H., Tay S.T.L., Liu Y., Show K.Y. and Ivanov V (2006) Biogranulation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment. Elsevier, Netherlands.

7.      Zhao Q.L. and Liu Y. (2006) Novel Wastewater Treatment and Resource Utilization Technologies. China Architecture & Building Press.

8.      Liu Y., Zhao Q.L. and Zheng X.C (2000) Biofilm Reactor Technology for Wastewater Treatment. China Architecture & Building Press.



