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祝贺2018级博士生代卫炯关于分子筛纳米片合成的论文,“Platelike MFI Crystals with Controlled Crystal Faces Aspect Ratio”,被J. Am. Chem. Soc.接收。

Zeolite crystals offering a short diffusion pathway through the pore network are highly desired for a number of catalytic and molecule separation applications. Herein, we develop a simple synthetic strategy toward reducing the thickness along the b-axis of MFI-type crystals, thus providing a short diffusion path along the straight channel. Our approach combines preliminary aging and a fluoride-assisted low-temperature crystallization. The synthesized MFI crystals are in the micrometer-size range along the a- and c-axis, while the thickness along the b-axis is a few tens of nanometers. The synthesis parameters controlling the formation of platelike zeolite are studied, and the factors controlling the zeolite growth are identified. The synthesis strategy works equally well with all-silica MFI (silicalite-1) and its Al- and Ga-containing derivatives. The catalytic activity of platelike ZSM-5 in the methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction is compared with a commercial nanosized ZSM-5 sample, as the platelike ZSM-5 exhibits a substantially extended lifetime. The synthesis of platelike MFI crystals is successfully scaled up to a kilogram scale.
