日本电气通讯大学Yasuo Tomita教授访问研究院并作学术报告


    2015年9月29日上午10:30,张国权教授邀请日本电气通讯大学Yasuo Tomita教授在泰达应用物理研究院四楼报告厅做学术报告,欢迎各位老师和研究生莅临。

报告题目:Observation of the cascaded fifth-order optical nonlinearity in nanostructured polymer nanocomposites dispersed with semiconductor CdSe quantum dots

报告人:Yasuo TomitaUniversity of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan


We report on the nonlinear optical properties of nanostructured polymer composite films in which semiconductor CdSe quantum dots as high as 6.8 vol.% are dispersed. Open- and closed-aperture Z-scan measurements were performed using a 532-nm picosecond pulse laser. It was found that polymer composite films exhibited negative third- and positive fifth-order nonlinear refraction as well as saturable absorption. The observed high-order nonlinearity was also confirmed by degenerate multiwave mixing. The cascaded fifth-order optical nonlinearity was observed as a result of the local-field effect due to high doping of CdSe quantum dots.


Yasuo Tomita received B.E. and M.E. degrees under the supervision of Prof. Toshimitsu Asakura (past ICO president) both from Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, in 1978 and 1980, respectively, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees under the supervision of Prof. Amnon Yariv both from California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 1986 and 1989, respectively. Since 2001 he is a full professor at the University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan.

During 1980-1992 he also worked as a member of technical staff at Canon Research Center, Canon Inc., Japan.

He is Fellow of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), OSA and SPIE. Also, he is now serving as an associate editor of Journal of the Optical Society of America B. His current research interests include physics and applications of photonic nanocomposite materials, nonlinear optics, neutron optics, liquid crystal photonics and information photonics.

see the following group website: http://talbot.es.uec.ac.jp/index_english.html)





