【学术报告】Nickolai Kukhtarev和Tatiana Kukhtareva----Ferroelectric and semiconductor materials for real-time holography and for compact accelerators



报告题目: Ferroelectric and semiconductor materials for real-time holography and for compact accelerators

        Part I: Theory - Dynamic holography with optical and electrical channels

    报告人:Nickolai Kukhtarev

        Part II: Application -Photogalvanic/pyroelectric compact crystal accelerators

    报告人:Tatiana Kukhtareva

           Physics Department

          Alabama A&M University

          U. S. A.





      In the first part of the presentation it will be demonstrated basic of Real-Time Holography (Dynamic Holography)): Recording and retrieval in real time. Motivations: biomedical acousto-photonic imaging, laser acoustical sensing, imaging via distortions. Transition to single-beam holography, double-functional (optical –beam coupling and electrical-holographic current), phase conjugation, Holographic in-line interferometry for crude oil detection and3D-characterization,will be discussed.

 In the second part we will describe crystal electrostatic accelerators, based on charging of ferroelectric crystals by pyroelectric and photogalvanic effects. This phenomenon is discussed in relation to generation of self-focused electron beam, X-rays. In-vivo X-ray imaging of biological objects with a hand-held crystal accelerator will be demonstrated. Efficient power conversion from concentrated solar light to electricity is predicted.


