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上传时间:2017/12/14 21:03:02 
英文题目:Research on Digital Reading Behavior of Older Adults 
英文关键字:Older adult; Digital reading; Reading behavior 
中文摘要:报告采用深入访谈法和观察法,对 52 位老年人的数字阅读行为进行研究。从老年人数字阅读行为动机、阅读工具的选择和使用行为、阅读文本的检索和鉴别行为、阅读的开展过程、阅读体验、数字阅读中的社会支持和障碍等方面进行深入分析,获取了老年人数字阅读行为特征,并构建了老年人数字阅读行为模式。 研究发现,老年人数字阅读行为由内在、外在动机共同推动,在阅读工具的选择和使用上,台式机是主要使用的设备,而对手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和电子书阅读器的认知、拥有和使用状况各异,字号显示、携带舒适度和使用方便度成为在不同工具中进行选择的主要依据。老年人对数字阅读工具的入门多感觉容易,掌握开关机和鼠标键盘操作以及打开浏览器是进行数字阅读最基本需要掌握的技能。感知易用性、期望确认程度对于老年人数字阅读工具的持续使用具有正向作用。 在阅读行为上,老年人数字阅读表现出较强的同质性和习惯性,也具有指向性与随意性结合的特点。在阅读态度上,老年人普遍比较严肃认真,有较好的鉴别和自控能力。个体特征如性别、文化程度、经济状况、个性和生活状态与老年人数字阅读具有不同的关联关系。老年人的数字阅读体验总体较好,对数字阅读的益处感知明显。 从障碍因素与社会支持来看,老年人在数字阅读工具选择和使用、阅读文本搜寻和选择、阅读行为过程中都面临着障碍因素,主要包括身体障碍、技术设备障碍、心理障碍、阅读素养障碍、情境障碍、网站设计障碍等。来自外界的社会支持力量对老年人数字阅读有影响,其支持方式可分为工具性、情感、信息、友谊支持,不同来源的社会支持提供了不同的支持方式。正式的社会支持对于促进老年人数字阅读具有独特意义,图书馆应在塑造无障碍数字阅读环境、提供数字阅读技能培训和提供优质的数字阅读资料等方面发展老年特色服务。  
英文摘要:The report uses in-depth interviews and observational methods to study thedigital reading behavior of 52 elderly people. From in-depth analysis of themotivation of digital reading behavior of the elderly, the choice and use of readingtools, the retrieval and identification of reading text, the process of reading, thereading experience, the social support and obstacles in digital reading, the researchprobes into digital reading behavior characteristics, and construct the digital readingbehavior model of the elderly. The study has get some findings as follows: first, older adults' digital readingbehavior is driven by intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. From the aspect of theirselection and use of digital reading tools, desktops are the main devices, while theelderly’s recognition, possession and use condition of mobile phones, laptops, tabletsand e-book readers are different from each other. Size, portability and ease of use aremain reasons for selection among different tools. Elderly people often find it easy toget started with digital reading tools. Mastering three basic skills, that is, power onand off, mouse and keyboard operation, and opening the browser, they can startdigital reading. Perceived ease of use and the degree of expectation confirmationhave a positive effect on the continued use of digital reading tools for the elderly.In reading behavior, digital reading of the elderly showed not only stronghomogeneity and customary, but also has the characteristics of combination ofdirectionality and arbitrariness. In reading attitude, the elderly people are generallymore serious and have some identification and self-control ability. Individualcharacteristics such as gender, educational level, economic status, personality andliving conditions are related to the elderly digital reading. The overall digital readingexperience of the elderly is generally good, and the perception of benefits of digitalreading are obvious. From the perspective of obstacles and social support, older adults are faced withobstacles in the selection and use of digital reading tools, seeking and selection ofreading texts, and procession of digital reading, including physical disabilities,technical equipment barriers, mental disorders, reading disabilities, situation barriers,website design obstacles. Social support forces from the outside world have animpact on digital reading of the elderly. Their support methods can be divided intoinstrumentalities, emotions, information, friendship support, and social support fromdifferent sources provide different ways of support. Formal social support fromlibrary is of unique significance in promoting digital reading for the elderly.Libraries should provide featured service from shaping accessible digitalenvironment, providing digital skill training, and providing high quality digitalreading materials.  
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