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上传时间:2022/5/17 16:27:25 
英文题目:Research on Preschool-Children-Oriented Picture Book Information Organization 
中文关键字:学龄前儿童 信息组织 信息查询 绘本 科研众包 
英文关键字:preschool children, information organization, information search, picture book, scientific crowdsourcing 
中文摘要:对于学龄前儿童,绘本是国内外公认的最适合读物。随着家庭与全社会对低幼龄儿童发展阅读等方面能力重视程度的加深,绘本已经在全国图书市场与图书馆馆藏中占据较大规模。然而,与越发庞大的绘本量管理需求、儿童对绘本查询需求不相符的是,绘本的信息组织水平却没有与之相匹配。尤其是对后者而言,无论是图书馆的在线公共检索目录系统(OPAC)还是搜索引擎,均无法满足学龄前儿童的绘本查询需求。同时,相关研究领域在探索如何解决学龄前儿童查找已知绘本的困境方面的力度不足。有鉴于此,作者开展本项研究,目标是揭示学龄前在查询绘本时采用的描述元素,进而总结出面向学龄前儿童的绘本信息组织模式及标识系统。 基于以上研究背景与问题,作者首先明确研究涉及的概念与定义,从认知发展理论、信息加工学说等理论基础出发,整理学龄前而得信息查询相关能力,作为本研究的理论框架。随后,回顾了面向儿童的信息组织模式,同时对本研究涉及的儿童选书与信息查询策略、已知物查询等研究进行了梳理。获得了以下发现:首先,面向儿童的信息组织研究均集中于学龄儿童,忽视了学龄前儿童。第二,研究很少对构建的信息组织进行可行性测试与验证。第三,一些系统是为了组织有限的数字图书馆馆藏而开发的,结论缺乏可推广性的。第四,已有的信息组织构建工作,如信息标识与元数据,都来源于儿童对图书的“选择”经验,而不是“查询”经验,更不是对已知绘本的查询经验。考虑到信息查询和信息组织的相互作用,儿童的信息组织应该提取自他们的信息查询行为,而不是选择行为。此外,大多数研究忽略了学龄前儿童在信息查询过程中经常遇到的信息查询失败和查询策略修改的情况,而这些也需要被纳入信息组织构建的考虑之中。 基于前期工作,本项目开展了三项研究: 一、学龄前儿童的绘本查询描述元素及查询策略研究。本研究意图解决两项研究问题:1、学龄前儿童在查询已知绘本时会使用绘本的哪些元素?2、学龄前儿童的绘本查询策略是什么?对此,我们采用准实验的方法进行实证研究,模拟了真实的绘本查询情境,激发学龄前儿童的绘本查询需求,从他们的绘本查询描述中提取学龄前儿童的绘本查询元素,揭示学龄前儿童的绘本查询策略。 二、科研众包模式下的学龄前儿童绘本查询描述研究。以前一项研究为范本,作者通过科研众包的形式将成熟的研究设计移植推广至更广泛的群体中,由家长带儿童在更为自然且更熟悉的情境下开展研究,扩大样本量与绘本类型,以验证、补充前项研究中的发现,最终形成面向学龄前儿童的信息组织概念系统。 三、面向学龄前儿童的绘本标识编制及测试研究。在前两项研究获得了较为可靠的研究成果后,作者综合行业实践,编制面向学龄前儿童的绘本信息标识系统,以书标的形式应用在绘本中。随后,进行对照组测试,以了解编制的绘本信息标识系统的可用性、能否支持学龄前儿童进行有效的绘本查询。 综合以上的研究,构成了本项目的最终研究成果,包括: 1、两项关于学龄前儿童绘本查询描述研究共识别出学龄前儿童在查询绘本时使用的39种绘本描述元素。这些元素能够比较全面地从学龄前儿童视角标识绘本信息,是构建面向学龄前儿童的绘本信息组织模式的理论基础。 2、两项关于学龄前儿童对绘本查询的研究共同揭示了学龄前儿童对已知绘本的查询策略:当儿童首次查询时,儿童主要会使用他们从故事中听到的内容进行查询。当查询失败后,他们通过添加视觉元素来调整策略、进行第二次查询。在第二次查询中,儿童的描述调整策略包括专门化和重复两种检索式重构策略。 3、虽然学龄前儿童总体上已经开始有意识地使用标题进行绘本查询,但有意识使用标题的学龄前儿童在群体中的占比远远低于成人群体中的分布。这就意味着在面向学龄前儿童的绘本查询系统开发中,不应默认所有儿童均具备使用标题进行查询的能力,需要照顾到尚未有意识使用标题进行查询的儿童的信息查询特征;同时,也不应低估学龄前儿童使用标题进行绘本查询的意愿及能力。 4、我们开发出应用颜色条带与图案等视觉符号组合而成的书标贴纸,粘贴在书脊处作为索引标识的绘本标识系统,并实施可用性测试。测试结果发现,面向儿童的绘本标识系统能够被学龄前儿童理解与使用,能够支持儿童发现绘本,有助于缩小绘本查找范围,比儿童惯常找书方式成功率高但速度没有显著提升,对于识字量较大儿童作用减弱。总体而言,面向儿童的绘本标识系统能够有效提升儿童的绘本查询效率。 本研究的主要创新点与研究贡献体现在以下三方面: 第一是对面向学龄前儿童绘本信息组织研究的贡献。包括:①拓展了该领域的研究群体范围,将以往主要研究群体为学龄儿童、兼顾学龄前儿童拓展至专门研究学龄前儿童。②专门研究了绘本这种阅读材料的信息组织,提取的信息组织元素更具针对性。③通过模拟儿童查询绘本的真实情景,实现了从儿童查询绘本的行为中提取信息组织元素,遵循了本领域常用的研究范式,也补充了大量全新的绘本描述元素。④开发了一套能够表示绘本内容、综合使用颜色条带与图案的绘本标识系统,该系统注重视觉识别效果、真正面向识字能力尚处于发展中的学龄前儿童。⑤实施了绘本标识系统的可用性测试。 第二是对学龄前儿童信息查询行为研究的贡献。以往的研究主要表明儿童会从视觉与听觉来源获得信息,但并没有就二者在儿童进行信息查询时的占比或权重关系进行探索,本研究的发现有效补充了低龄儿童的信息查询行为知识体系。 第三是对图书馆领域科研与职业专业化形象构建实践的贡献。本项目是图书馆领域由学术界与实践领域合力解决图书馆用户服务中所遇到的实际困难、打造专业化形象的一次有益尝试。在研究实施的过程中,项目团队不仅向公众展示图书馆学与图书馆职业的专业性,也努力为用户提供良好的活动体验,促进了专业与实践之间的对话。图28幅,表20个,参考文献148篇。  
英文摘要:Picture books are considered the most suitable reading materials for preschool children. As families and the whole society pay more attention to the development of reading and such abilities of young children, picture books have occupied a large proportion in the book market and library collections. However, the information organization of picture books does not match the increasing demand for picture book collection management and children's information need. Especially for the latter, neither the library's Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) nor the search engine can meet preschool children's picture book search needs. The related research fields are insufficient in exploring how to solve the dilemma of preschool children searching for known picture books. Thus, the author carried out this research with the goal of revealing the descriptive elements used by preschoolers when searching picture books and then summed up the picture book information organization mode and representation system for preschool children. The author firstly defined the concepts related to the core research problems. Then reviewing cognitive development theory, and information processing theory as the theoretical foundations of this study. According to these theories, the author then deduced the preschoolers’ ability to search for information as the theoretical framework of this research. Based on theoretical work, related literature including information organization mode for children, and the research on children's book selection and information search strategies, known objects search, etc. are reviewed. The following findings can be concluded: First, children-oriented information organization research mainly focused on school-aged children, ignoring preschool-aged children. Second, researchers rarely test and validate the feasibility of their developed information organizations. Third, some systems were developed to organize limited digital library collections, and the conclusions lack generalizability. Fourth, the existing information organization construction work, such as information representation and metadata, is derived from children's book "selection" experience, not "search" experience, let alone searching known picture books. Considering the mutual contribution of information search and information organization, children's information organization should be generated from their information search behavior, rather than book selection behavior. In addition, most studies ignore the failure of information search and search strategy modification that preschool children often encounter in the information search process, and these also need to be taken into account in the construction of information organization. Based on the previous work, the author carried out three studies: 1. Research on preschool children’s picture book search description elements and search strategies. This study intends to address two research questions: First, what elements of picture books do preschoolers use when searching known picture books? Second, what are the picture book search strategies of preschool children? In this regard, we use the quasi-experimental method to simulate the real picture book search situation, stimulate the picture book search needs of preschool children, extract the picture book search elements of preschool children from their picture book search descriptions, and reveal the preschool children's picture book search element and their picture book search strategy. 2. Research on preschool children’s search and description of picture books by scientific crowdsourcing research. The author transplanted the research design to a wider group through the approach of scientific crowdsourcing research to verify and supplement the findings in the previous study, and finally generate a conceptual model of preschool children-oriented information organization. 3. Scientific crowdsourcing research on preschool children-oriented picture book information representation design and usability test. After the first two studies have obtained reliable research results, the author introduced the industry practice, developed a picture book information representation system for preschool children, and applied it to the picture book collections. Subsequently, a control group test was conducted to test the usability of the picture book information representation system and whether it could support preschool children to conduct effective picture book searches. The final research results include: 1. Two studies on preschool children's picture book search description identified a total of 39 picture book description elements used by preschool children when they searched for picture books. These elements are able to represent picture book information more comprehensively from the perspective of preschool children. These are the theoretical basis for constructing a picture book information organization model for preschool children. 2. Two studies on preschool children's search for picture books together revealed preschool children's search strategies for known picture books: when children search for the first time, children mainly used what they heard from the story. When the search failed, they adjusted the strategy by adding visual elements and made a second search. In the second search, the children's description adjustment strategy included two reformulation strategies including specialization and repetition. 3. Although preschool children, in general, have begun to consciously use titles to search picture books, the proportion of preschool children who consciously use titles is far lower than the distribution among adults. This indicates that in the development of the picture book search system for preschool children, it should not be assumed that all children have the ability to use the title to search, thus the children who are not able to use the title to search are also needed to be taken into account. The willingness and ability of preschool children to use titles for picture book searches should not be underestimated. 4. A picture book representation system both applying color strips and image stickers were developed, and a usability test was conducted. The test found that first, the child-oriented picture book representation system can be understood and used by preschool children. Second, it can support children to discover picture books. Third, it is able to help children narrow the search range of picture books. Forth, the success rate of searching is higher than that of children's usual way of searching for books, but the speed is not significantly improved. Fifth, it has a limited effect on literate children. The main innovations and research contributions of this study are in the following three aspects: The first is the contribution to the research on the information organization of picture books for preschool children, including ①Expanded the scope of research groups of preschool children in this field ② Specially studied the information organization of picture books. ③By simulating the real situation of children searching picture books, the information organization elements are extracted from children's searching picture books, which follows the research paradigms commonly used in this field, and also adds a large number of new picture books description elements. ④ Developed a picture book representation system that can represent picture books by comprehensively using color stripes and patterns. The system is oriented to preschool children who are still developing literacy skills. ⑤ Implemented the usability test of the picture book representation system. The second is the contribution to the research on the information search behavior of preschool children. Previous studies have mainly shown that children obtain information from visual and auditory sources, but they have not explored the proportion or weight of the two in children’s information search. The findings of this study effectively supplement the knowledge system of information search behaviors of young children. The third is the contribution to the practice of scientific research and professional construction in librarianship. This project is a positive attempt in the field of librarianship to solve the practical problems encountered in library user services. In the process of research and implementation, the project team not only showed the professionalism of library science and the library profession to the public, but also strived to provide users with a nice activity experience, and promoted the mutual contribution between the scientific research and profession practice. 28 figures, 20 tables, and 148 references.  
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