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上传时间:2018/12/6 15:57:57 
英文题目:The Position and Development Mode of Ai Chain Cafe 
英文关键字:Aiqun coffee;Entrepreneurship;Market positioning;Investment 
中文摘要:咖啡,全球三大饮品之一,也是世界第二大的大宗商品,且贸易量仅次于原油。全球人口每天喝掉超过20亿杯的咖啡,根据台湾咖啡协会统计,2016年台湾咖啡产值,包括连锁超商188亿台币,咖啡馆230亿台币,整体约有660亿台币,而且平均每人每天一杯咖啡。大陆的规模则约700亿人民币,国内咖啡产业持续成长,成本相对较低,不少新兴业者投入创业。 远见杂志于2014年提到继金融海啸之后,全球主要国家都面临“银色海啸”。银色代表的是银发族及所产生的银弹商机。同时银发族又是很大的特殊消费群体,开发好银发族的这个“银色富矿”的广大市场,既有重要的社会意义,又有现实的经济意义。 “十三五”规划强调产业结构变革将导向服务业转型;由规模城镇化向人口城镇化转型;在消费结构变革上,则由物质型消费,向服务型消费与绿色消费转型。着眼于此,本文以“艾群连锁咖啡馆”作为方案,打算进军咖啡连锁市场。若想要制定连锁店经营及营销策略,必须先了解消费者购买咖啡的相关行为,故本研究以台北内湖“爱咖啡”店作为实体调查研究样本,从消费者购买咖啡之人口统计变量、消费行为、及 台北内湖“爱咖啡”店的意象调查作为研究范围,于 2016 年 6 月 1 日至 20 日发放335问卷,采便利抽样。 论文以问卷方式做市场调研,共发放问卷335 份,回收有效问卷 300 份,回收之问卷运用 SPSS 软件作为数据分析工具,以了解消费者购买咖啡之考虑因素等相关行为,先以 STP 找出目标市场,再利用4P 分析订立出不同的营销策略,研究分析的结果作为“艾群连锁咖啡馆”之创立运营方案的参考,并结合大健康产业之发展以健康导向抢攻银发族市场,用以制定一套成功的关键商业模式。  
英文摘要:Coffee, one of the world's three largest drinks, is the world's second largest commodity and second only to crude oil. The global population drinks more than 2 billion cups of coffee a day. According to the Taiwan Coffee Association, the market value of Taiwanese coffee was around NT$66 billion in 2016, including the NT$18.8 billion of chain convenience stores and NT$23 billion of the cafes. Taiwanese consume an average of one cup of coffee per person per day. The market of mainland's coffee is RMB$70 billion. Looking at the continued growth and relatively low cost of the mainland coffee industry,many new entrepreneurs are investing in this field.《Vision magazine》mentioned in 2014 that after the financial crisis of 2008, major countries are facing a “Silver tsunami”. Silver represents the elderly people and great business opportunities. The elderly is a large and special consumer group. It is of great social and realistic economic significance to develop this market . “The 13th Five-Year Plan”emphasizes that the transformation of industrial structure will lead to the transformation of service industry, from large-scale urbanization to population urbanization, and from material consumption to service consumption and green consumption.With this in mind, this article takes “Aiqun Chain Cafe” as a plan and intends to enter the coffee chain market. Therefore, this study uses the Taipei Neihu “Love Coffee”store as a sample of entity research. The scope of research is including the demographic variables, the consumer behavior, and the image survey of the “Love Coffee” store. 335 questionnaires was collected with convenience sampling method from June 1st to 20th, 2018. This paper conducts market research by questionnaire. A total of 335 questionnaires were distributed and 300 valid questionnaires were collected. SPSS software was used as a data analysis tool to understand the related behavior of consumers in buying coffee.Firstly, STP was used to find out the target market, and then 4P analysis was used to formulate different marketing strategies. The results of the analysis will serve as a reference for the establishment and operation of the “Aiqun Chain Cafe”, and will be combined with the development of “big health industry” to attack the elderly market with health-oriented. A set of successful key business model planning, as a result, will be developed.  
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