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论文编号: | 11501 | |
作者编号: | 1120146009 | |
上传时间: | 2019/12/19 17:30:44 | |
中文题目: | 组织柔性、创新能力、项目组合与企业绩效:基于巴基斯坦制造业的视角 | |
英文题目: | Organizational Flexibility, Innovation Capability, Project Portfolio, and Firm Performance: A Perspective of Pakistani Manufacturing Industry | |
指导老师: | 焦媛媛 教授 | |
中文关键字: | 组织柔性;创新能力;环境不确定性;项目组合;企业绩效 | |
英文关键字: | Organizational Flexibility, Innovation capability, Environmental uncertainty, Project portfolio, Firm performance | |
中文摘要: | 在现代商业社会中,国际贸易与国际资本流动呈现出不断加速和扩张的趋势,毋庸置疑,全球化既带来巨大的机遇,也带来严峻的压力。然而,从某种程度上来看,企业竞争力决定了全球化所带来的机遇在何种程度上转化为长期的国家利益,而全球化所产生的压力即国际竞争加剧导致了严重的代价。在这种情况下,工业对国家经济的繁荣起着至关重要的作用,并被视为是一个国家的经济支柱。无论在国外或是国内,其工业体系竞争力和经营环境对一个国家可预见的未来的经济前景产生至关重要的影响。世界工业体系的历史表明,经济危机是经济复苏的开端,也为工业发展开启了一个新的时代。当前经济全球化迫使企业的国际活动和跨国合作向纵深方向发展。而全球政治、社会反应、文化摩擦、宗教情绪、经营环境等区域特征与经济全球化的发展趋势并不一致。 企业必须充分了解他们计划在国际市场上经营的国际商业环境。政治、文化差异和经济环境可能意味着全球市场的机遇和威胁。在海外市场中,政治紧迫性和政府政策的差异可能会对企业能力产生影响。任何国家的民族意识都能使一个国家的文化和利益高于其他国家。强烈的民族主义倾向往往会阻碍外商投资。相关法律、不同类型的关税和进口配额可能会影响国际贸易。同样,文化价值观也可能对在全球市场开展业务产生潜在威胁,这是由于文化价值观与文化角色极大地影响着消费者的偏好。此外,各国的经济发展水平也不尽相同。在欠发达国家,生存是一场持续的斗争,而在拥有有效经济体系和可靠基础设施的国家中,跨国市场上的新商机通常更好。一些发展中国家还缺乏一个更好的经济体系,这通常使它们难以在跨国市场上开展业务。 本研究旨在探讨“组织柔性如何影响企业绩效”这一核心问题。首先,分析了组织柔性对在进行新产品开发时企业创新能力的影响,并将组织柔性划分为战略柔性、结构柔性和运营柔性三个维度。其次,研究通过平衡现有的组织资源与组织战略指引以达成项目组合预期目标,探讨创新能力对项目组合绩效的影响。再次,本研究还分析了一个更好的项目组合是如何通过向客户提供创新产品来促进实现企业财务目标和市场目标。并探讨了环境不确定性对组织柔性与创新能力关系的调节作用。最后,本研究分析了吸收能力和项目组合管理质量对企业创新能力和项目组合绩效关系的调节作用。 本研究在前人研究的基础上进行了拓展,并进行了以下研究: 首先,对现有研究和理论进行了系统梳理与分析,以进一步明确研究视角和研究问题。即在对组织柔性、创新能力、项目管理和企业绩效等相关文献进行梳理后,发现并填补了本研究所涉及的现有理论的空白。通过文献分析将组织柔性划分为战略柔性、结构柔性和运营柔性三个维度,并明确了企业创新能力的概念,分析了组织柔性、创新能力与项目组合和企业绩效的关系,这为本研究的假设模型提供了理论支持。 其次,在结合现有文献的基础上,采用探索性的案例研究方法,基于理论抽样的原则,选取了XYZ纺织、ABC食品、KBS、HARE、GL这五家巴基斯坦制造企业作为研究对象,通过对企业项目经理的面对面访谈、在线访谈等访谈形式收集一手资料,并在新闻报道、企业官方网站等资料中收集二手资料,以实现“三角验证”,在收集五家企业的案例数据后进行整理,并运用案例分析方法展开质性分析。以探究企业如何在其战略、结构以及运营中融入柔性从而提升其创新能力,进而提升其项目组合及企业绩效。基于案例分析的结果提出了各变量之间关系的命题,为所建立的理论模型提供了实践支持。 最后,在探索性案例研究的基础之上,为了构建和验证假设模型,本研究进一步在相关文献和案例分析结果的基础之上构建了理论模型,提出了研究假设。在提出假设并以实证分析检验各变量之间的关系后,对模型进行了整体的定量分析。通过向巴基斯坦的项目导向型制造企业发放调查问卷,填写者包括企业主管、高级经理和副经理等,均是参与管理项目和就项目的选择和执行作出决策的经理。在删除无效问卷后,对所收集到的386份有效问卷的数据利用结构方程模型(SEM)和Smart-PLS 3软件进行了因子分析、相关性分析以及回归分析等统计分析。 巴基斯坦是一个发展中国家,面临着如投资、生产率和出口等诸多要素增长缓慢的严峻挑战(Kemal,2006年)。也有学者提出了其他一些因素,如引进多样化的能力不足、技术落后、产品质量差、研发活动不足等导致生产率增长缓慢(Kemal,2006)。中巴经济走廊(China Pakistan Economic Corridor)的开通,为巴基斯坦工业体系开辟了新的视野和挑战,该工程为巴基斯坦的不同部门,特别是为工业部门的发展产生了巨大的推动作用。由于中巴经济走廊的建设,国际公司将投资重点放在了对巴基斯坦工业企业的投资上。尽管如此,巴基斯坦的地方工业正受到影响,中巴经济走廊的发展引起了一些需要解决的问题。由于中巴经济走廊的原因,巴基斯坦国内工业企业可能会产生反弹。巴基斯坦尚未解决的基础建设问题,如电力和天然气的短缺以及高昂的生产成本,阻碍了当地工业企业的生产产能。因此,为了实现中巴经济走廊的最大效益,需要在规划、研究、协调方面达成共识,避免每个利益相关者的利益收到损失。企业应在其整个组织系统中,特别是在战略、结构和运营方面,实现柔性管理,以应对不确定的环境危机,采用新知识,引进新的创新产品或服务,以最少的资源有效地管理生产过程。企业应加强与所有利益相关者之间的合作,以实现组织的目标。 本研究的结果为创新能力在组织柔性的不同维度与项目组合以及企业绩效之间的作用提供了一种新的理论构建方法。本研究对现有在发展中国家情境中的管理领域研究做出了一些有价值的贡献,特别是对巴基斯坦的制造企业而言,组织柔性及其维度显著影响组织的创新能力。研究结果表明,组织柔性及其战略柔性、结构柔性和运营柔性三个维度对提高企业在不确定商业环境下的创新能力有显著影响,并且环境不确定性对组织柔性和创新能力具有负向调节作用,但对创新能力具有显著的正向影响。 数据分析结果表明,较强的创新能力有助于企业有效利用其有限的资源,提高项目组合绩效,达到预期的效果。因而,本研究建议企业应该根据市场需求提升其创新能力,以提高项目组合绩效。进一步,本研究建议各制造企业应以项目方式管理其过程,这些应该根据公司的战略目标和能力整合到现有的项目组合中。数据分析结果表明,更好的创新能力有助于企业有效地平衡其项目组合。研究还发现,企业创新能力的提高使其项目组合管理能够快速达到预期效果,同时企业吸收能力对创新能力和项目组合绩效有显著的调节作用。此外,研究还发现企业吸收能力对项目组合的绩效有显著的直接影响,创新能力对项目组合管理的负调节作用,对项目组合绩效的正向影响显著。本研究进一步表明,绩效较好的项目组合最终有助于提高企业绩效。 本研究具有一定的理论意义和实践意义,但也存在一些局限性。从理论上讲,本研究在新兴经济体的背景下,将组织柔性划分为战略柔性、结构柔性和运营柔性三个维度,并阐述了其在新产品开发中的重要性及其与企业创新能力的关系,为该领域的研究做出了贡献。进一步的本研究为企业提高创新能力以提高项目组合绩效的研究提供了理论依据。数据分析结论表明,对新知识的吸收新能力和更完善的项目组合管理能够显著提高项目组合绩效。最终,本研究验证了先前研究的结论,即项目组合有助于提高企业的绩效。 在实践中,本研究为管理者提供了一个框架,即管理者应通过各种手段灵活应对以提高创新能力。同时,本研究也提出如果管理者将过程作为一个项目来管理,他们可以通过有效地利用资源和合作来提高他们的项目组合管理效率和企业绩效。 | |
英文摘要: | In the modern business world, which has been speeding up the global movement of capital and goods, it is a cliché that globalization brings both massive opportunities and severe pressures. However, in part, it will be the global organizational competitiveness that will determine how far opportunities are transformed into long-lasting national benefits and how possible pressures from heightened international competition result in a severe cost. In such a situation, industries played a significant role in the enhancement of country prosperity and considered as the economic backbone of a nation as well. The competitiveness of the industrial system and business environment, globally and domestically, will have a critical bearing on economic prospects for the foreseeable future of a country. The global history of the industrial system shows that the economic crisis is the beginning of economic renewal and the new era of industrial development. At present economic globalization has forced the international activities of firms and the cooperation between countries to expand in depth. While the regional characteristics of global politics, social reaction, cultural friction, religious sentiment, business environment, and the development of economic globalization trends are not coherent. Firms must fully understand the international business environment in which they plan to operate in the international market. Political, cultural dissimilarities and economic environments can signify both opportunities and threats in the global market. Differences in political urgencies and governmental policies in a foreign market can affect business capabilities. The national consciousness of any country can boost the culture and interest of one state over others. A robust nationalistic approach often discourages foreign investment. The rule of law, different types of tariffs, and quotas for imports may affect international business. In the same way, cultural values also have a potential threat to do business in the global market. The cultural values and roles tremendously affect the preferences of the consumers. The level of economic development also varies from country to country. In the less developed countries, survival is a continuous struggle. New opportunities for business in international markets are usually better in such countries that have an effective economic system with reliable infrastructure. Some developing countries also have a deficiency of a better economic system, which generally makes it difficult to do business in the global market. Current research aims to analyze the effects of a firm’s flexibility on the innovation capability to develop innovative products. This study investigates the impact of innovation capabilities on the performance of the project portfolio by balancing the available resources with organizational strategic guidelines and the achievement of the desired targets of the project portfolio. This study also analyses how a better project portfolio can contribute in achieving the organizational financial and market objectives by offering innovative products to customers. This research investigates the moderating role of environmental uncertainty between the firm’s flexibility and innovation capability. Further, absorptive capability and project portfolio management quality are also studied as moderators between innovation capability and project portfolio performance. This research extends the previous studies and carries forward as follows. At first, an observation was made on previous research and theoretical inference. Through the literature on organizational flexibility, innovation capability, project management, and firm performance, the current research identifies and fills the gap between existing theory involved in this research. This study mainly defines the concept of organizational flexibility with different dimensions and innovation capability, and analyze their relationship with the performance of the project portfolio and firm. This research provides theoretical support for the hypothetical model of this study. After the review of comprehensive literature, using an exploratory case study, this research collects and analyzed the data; collected from case companies of Pakistan. With the help of case companies, this research investigates how firms incorporate flexibility in their strategies, structure and routine operations to improve the innovation capability that helps to improve the performance of project portfolio and firm. It gives propositions about the relationship between the constructs and provides practical support to establish a theoretical model. To construct and validate the hypothetical model based on the case study and in-depth analysis of relevant literature a theoretical model was constructed and put forwarded the research hypothesis. After the development of hypothesis to empirically check the relationship of the constructs, a comprehensive quantitative study was conducted. Data were collected from the manufacturing firms of Pakistan that manage their process as projects. The respondents were managers who were involved in managing projects and decision making regarding the selection and execution of projects. The collected data were examined with the help of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Smart-PLS 3 software. Pakistan being a developing country facing several challenges, such as sluggish growth rates of investment, productivity, and exports (Kemal, 2006). Some other factors such as the inefficient capability to introduce diversification, technical inadequacies, low quality of products, and inadequate R&D activities contributing to the slow productivity growth rate (Kemal, 2006). The commencement of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) open up new horizons and challenges for the industrial system of Pakistan. This project claims a gigantic development in different sectors, especially in the industrial sector. Due to the CPEC international firms are focusing on making the investment in Pakistan. In spite of all of this, local industries are being affected in Pakistan. The development of CPEC raises several apprehensions that are required to be addressed. Due to the CPEC, there might be a backlash by Pakistani domestic industries. Unsettled complications in Pakistan, such as power shortage, shortage of gas, and high costs of production, hinder the local industries from producing according to its full capacity. Therefore, to accomplish the maximum benefits from the CPEC, more consensus in planning, research, coordination is needed to make it simple for every stakeholder to avoid any misunderstanding. The firm should be flexible in order to manage uncertain environmental crunches, adopt new knowledge, introduce new innovative products or services, and effectively manage all the process with minimum resources. Firms should enhance cooperation between all stakeholders to accomplish the goals of organizations The results of this research provide a new approach to theory building in the role of innovation capability between the different dimensions of a firm’s flexibility and project portfolio as well as firm performance. This research makes some contributions in the existing literature that organizational flexibility with its dimensions significantly affects organizational innovation capability. The statistical findings of current research show that environmental uncertainty has adverse moderating effects between organizational flexibility and innovation capability but a significant positive impact on innovation capability. It also suggests that firms should enhance their innovative capabilities according to the market requirements in order to improve the performance of the project portfolio. It is further suggested that firms should manage their process as projects; those should be integrated into the existing portfolio according to the firm’s strategic goals and capacity. The statistical results show that absorptive capability has significant moderating effects between innovation capability and performance of project portfolio. It is also found that absorptive capability has significant direct impact on the performance of the project portfolio. The negative moderating role of project portfolio management quality was found between innovation capability but positive and significant direct effect on project portfolio performance. This research further suggests that the project portfolio with better performance ultimately helps to improve the performance of the firm. Some theoretical and practical implications are presented in this research with some limitation future research directions. Theoretically, this research contributes to the literature by dividing flexibility into the different dimensions in the context of emerging economies and elaborate its importance and relationship with innovation capability for the development of innovative products. This research added more value to the literature that firms should enhance their innovative capabilities to improve project portfolio performance. This study claims that new capabilities to absorb the latest knowledge and better management of projects significantly helps to improve the performance project portfolio. Ultimately this study strengthens the claim of previous research that project portfolio facilitates to enhance the performance of a firm. Practically this research provides a framework to the managers that they should be flexible by all means to improve their innovation capability. It also guides the manager if they manage the process as a project, they can enhance their efficiency and firm performance with the effective use of resources and cooperation. | |
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