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上传时间:2010/4/28 9:54:45 
英文题目:High-Tech Firms, International Market,Entry-Mode, Risk Prevention  
指导老师:许 晖 
中文关键字:高新技术企业 国际市场 进入模式 风险防范 
英文关键字: High-Tech Firms, International Market,Entry-Mode, Risk Prevention 
中文摘要: 21世纪是一个以高新技术产业为主的知识经济时代,高新技术则是以科学技术形态表现出来的国家竞争力,高新技术的水平直接关系到一个国家或地区在全球竞争格局中的地位,对一个国家的发展有着相当重要的战略意义,因此高新技术的发展必将成为世界各国竞争的战略制高点。而随着世界经济全球化的进一步发展,对于与发达国家还有很大差距的我国高新技术企业而言,要想真正发展壮大,必须主动融入国际大市场,参与国际合作与竞争,在合作竞争中成长、成熟。而要从事国际化经营,所要解决的首要问题也是最关键的问题就是国际市场进入模式的选择问题,选择的进入模式是否合适是企业能否成功地进行国际化运作的关键。同时,如何对高风险的高新技术企业的国际风险进行防范也是一个非常重要的问题。 本文将在对我国高新技术企业国际化经营的现状以及动因进行分析的基础上,探讨我国高新技术企业在进入国际市场时应采取何种进入模式,以及进入国际市场时面临的国际风险的感知与防范问题,以期能对我国高新技术企业国际市场竞争力的提升提供一点微弱的帮助。 本文共分六章。第一章为绪论,介绍了论文的研究背景、目的与意义、研究方法、内容、框架以及研究的现状,还对本文的一些基本概念进行了界定;第二章系统回顾了开拓国际市场的理论、基于技术的发展中国家企业国际化理论以及国际风险理论等与本文相关的理论知识;第三章介绍了我国高新技术企业国际化经营的现状,并对其国际化经营的特征及动因进行了较为详细的分析;第四章在对我国高新技术企业的特点及影响其进入模式选择的主要因素分析的基础上,从资源角度探讨了其国际化战略及战略指导下的进入模式选择;第五章研究在选择了合适的进入模式之后,即将面对的国际风险问题,对我国高新技术企业的国际风险进行了聚焦,并构建了风险防范体系,还结合具体案例进行了探讨;第六章对研究的内容进行了总结,并指出了本研究的不足之处和进一步的研究方向。  
英文摘要: The 21st century is a period of knowledge economy with high-tech industry playing a leading role. And high-tech is a kind of country competitive ability presented with the form of science and technology. The power of a country or a region in the world depends on the development of high-tech, which make a great contribution to the development of one country form strategy angle. So, every country in the world will pay much attention to the development of high-tech for a long benefit. With the deepening of economy globalization, high-tech enterprises from china must enter international market and join into international competition and cooperation. Though these enterprises fall behind others form developed country, they must grow up from the competition and cooperation. In order to do international business, the most important and essential problem is how to select the international market entry-mode. The success of international operation depends on whether the enterprise can select a suitable entry-mode. At the same time, how to prevent the international risk for the high-tech enterprises is another important problem. Based on the analysis of present condition and motivation of international operation for the high-tech enterprises from China, this research discuss which entry-mode to select and how to perceive and prevent the risk when the Chinese high-tech enterprise enter international market. I expect that this discussion will be beneficial to improve the competitive ability of Chinese high-tech enterprises in the international market. This paper contains six chapters. The first chapter introduces background、pursers and meaning、method、content and structure of this paper and the present conditions of current research. Some basic concepts are also defined in the first chapter; the second chapter systematically reviews the international market development theory, internationalization theory for enterprises based on technology, international risk prevention theory and other relevant theory. The third chapter introduces the current international operation condition of Chinese high-tech enterprises and analyzes the international operation character and motivation of these enterprises. Based on the analysis of the character of Chinese high-tech enterprises and the main elementary which will affect the entry-mode, the fourth chapter discusses the international strategy and the relevant entry-mode from the perception of resource. After selecting the suitable entry-mode, the fifth chapter discusses the problem of international risk. This discussion focuses on Chinese high-tech enterprises and establishes the risk prevention system, with the analysis of specific case. The last chapter summarizes the whole research content and brings forward the guidance for the deeper research.  
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