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上传时间:2010/12/14 12:28:10 
英文题目:Study on Marketing Strategies of Scientific and Technical Information Consultancy Organization——Take An Example of TISTI 
英文关键字:Information Consultancy organization;Information Consultancy Market; Marketing Strategy;Service Marketing 
中文摘要:近年来,随着经济全球化和中国市场经济进一步深化与完善,各行各业的竞争越来越激烈,尤其是经历了全球金融危机之后,我国企业综合竞争能力弱,效率低下,自主创新能力薄弱,缺乏自主知识产权产品,核心竞争力不强等方面的问题越来越突出。企业也逐步认识到要解决这些问题,尽快提升企业的管理水平和竞争能力,除了加强企业自身的管理之外,更需要借助“外脑”的帮助。有资料显示,中国咨询业市场规模逐渐加大,“十一五”期间我国咨询行业的年营业额规模增长率一直保持在30%以上。据预计,将成为全球五大咨询市场之一。 天津科学技术信息研究所作为一家事业型咨询服务机构,有着多年良好的信息咨询基础和信息资源,多年来由于长期背靠政府,其咨询业务多以政府服务为主,面向企业开展的咨询活动并不是很广泛,因此在科技体制改革中适应经济和市场发展需要,应由被动服务向主动推广转变。本文从市场营销的角度对天津科技信息咨询市场进行了研究,论文在相关理论回顾的基础上,从目前科学技术信息研究所信息咨询的现状出发,应用PEST、SWOT分析模型,讨论和研究了信息咨询业市场的行业特征、市场需求及面临的机会与威胁等环境因素,通过对其STP策略分析,结合波特的竞争战略管理理论及服务营销组合中的7Ps理论,提出天津市科学技术信息研究所在科技信息咨询市场营销策略选择及实施建议,期望对天津科学技术信息研究所的发展有借鉴作用。 本论文的创新点在于,从理论与实践相结合的角度,以咨询市场为大的研究背景,以科技信息咨询市场为研究对象,对其营销策略及实施进行了研究,并提出颇有可操作性的实施建议,希望能对天津市科学技术信息研究所信息咨询业务走向市场化提供参考,对有关信息咨询机构发展有所裨益,可以为天津市科技创新和经济发展发挥更好的智力支持作用。 
英文摘要:Under the context of economic globalization and further extension and perfection of China’s market economy in recent years when competition among industries are becoming more and more severe, enterprises in China, especially after the global financial crisis, find their weak comprehensive competitive power, lower efficiency and core competitiveness are being challenged. To face these challenges and improve their management, they need outsourcing services. According to relative statistics, the growth rate of annual business volume of consultancy industry in China has been maintaining 30% above during the 11th Five Yeas Plan period. It is expected that with the expansion of the consultancy market, China will become one of the five largest consultancy markets in the near future. Tianjin Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (TISTI) is a non-profit professional consultancy service organization. Boasting decades of information consultancy experience and large amount of information resources, the government affiliated organization mostly offered services for government instead of enterprises. However, under the background of scientific and technological system reform, it has to adapt to new situations and actively promote itself among enterprise customers. This paper studies the information consultancy market from the perspective of marketing. In the beginning, it reviews relative theories and based on the current status of TISTI’s information consultancy business, the paper applies PEST and SWOT analysis modes to discuss industry characteristics, market demands, opportunities and challenges. Through strategic analysis on STP and Potter’s competitive strategy management theories and 7Ps of service marketing, the author proposes some suggestions on selection and implementation of the information consultancy marketing strategies for TISTI and hopes these ideas may offer good reference. The innovation point of this paper is that it carries out studies on marketing strategies of scientific and technical information consultancy business and their implementation through employment of both theories and practices and proposes workable solutions, which the author hopes may offer reference to the marketization of TISTI, promote the development of the relating information consultancy organization and give intellectual supporting to both scientific and technical innovation and the economic development in the city of Tianjin.  
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