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论文编号: | 4530 | |
作者编号: | 1120085504 | |
上传时间: | 2012/6/14 13:40:03 | |
中文题目: | 中国公共图书馆在弥合数字鸿沟中的作用:用户视角 | |
英文题目: | The Role of the Public Library in Bridging the Digital Divide in China: The user''''s perspective | |
指导老师: | 于良芝 | |
中文关键字: | 数字鸿沟,公共图书馆,信息通讯技术,用户行为,中国 | |
英文关键字: | Digital divide, public libraries, information and communication technology, user behavior, China | |
中文摘要: | 本研究通过对中国公共图书馆用户对信息通讯技术设施(ICT)使用情况的分析,考察了公共图书馆在弥合数字鸿沟中的角色。为确认哪些变量可有效解释用户行为,本研究对影响用户是否使用图书馆ICT设备及使用频率和使用目的的因素进行了分析,并对如何激励用户使用这些设施进行了探讨。本研究通过两种途径搜集了数据:首先,对全国5个省的28家图书馆发放了问卷;其次,对管理者和图书馆员进行了简短访谈。通过对所获数据进行logistic回归分析,本研究确认了影响用户是否使用图书馆ICT及使用方式的变量,同时,应用多元回归分析建立了图书馆ICT使用频率的解释模型。研究表明,用户对图书馆ICT的使用与其对图书馆其它设备的使用存在很强的相关性,越频繁使用图书馆的用户,其ICT的使用能力越强,也越能够获得其他接入途径。用户使用阅览室、图书借阅和信息查询等设施越频繁,则他们使用图书馆ICT的可能性也越大。上述发现连同样本中所检出的图书馆用户中高比率的家庭ICT拥有率共同说明,在中国,“马太效应”相当明显---“信息富人”仅仅把公共图书馆做为诸多ICT获取途径中的一个,而“信息穷人”却连这一途径都较少利用。本研究还发现,图书馆ICT利用与其它途径的ICT可获取性和用户对ICT的使用能力高度相关,那些在其他公共场所使用ICT的用户比仅仅在家中使用ICT的用户更有可能使用图书馆ICT设施。这些发现从一定程度上说明,图书馆通过为所有人提供ICT服务在弥合数字鸿沟中起到了一定的作用,但对ICT使用能力低下却需要使用这些设施的人群尚没有产生足够的吸引力。本研究也发现,图书馆ICT使用的频率与图书馆使用频率、使用ICT的时间长度、所完成的任务、其它获取途径、在线网络的强度、ICT使用的已有成功经验以及用户对图书馆ICT硬件的满意度显著相关。地理区位因素、对其他图书馆设施的使用以及用户通常利用ICT完成的任务类型影响用户对图书馆ICT的利用目的(即利用图书馆ICT完成的任务)。用户在完成娱乐目的之外的任务时,常常使用一系列其它图书馆设施,这表明用户使用ICT的任务与更大范围的图书馆任务有关。 | |
英文摘要: | This study investigated the role that the public library plays in bridging the digital divide in China through analyzing the use of library ICT by its users. The factors affecting use or non-use of the libraries ICT facilities, the frequency of use by those who used them, and the type of use were explored in order to determine what variables are significant in explaining user behaviour and to illuminate how individuals can be encouraged to use the resources and engage with the library's ICT. The study used two data collection devices. Firstly, a questionnaire was distributed to library users at 28 libraries in five provinces across the country. Secondly, short interviews were held with managers or librarians to collect data for objective variables. Binary logistic regression analyses were performed on the data to determine the variables impact on use or non-use of the libraries ICT and the type of usage , whilst a multiple regression analysis was performed to establish a model explaining the frequency of library ICT use. The findings indicate that use of the library ICT is strongly correlated with use of the other facilities in the library, the frequency of library use, the ICT ability of the user, and the availability of other access points. If users are more inclined to utilize facilities such as reading rooms, book lending, and making information inquiries more often they are more likely to use the ICT. This, added to the high level of home ownership reported amongst the library user population recorded in the sample, suggests that a 'Matthew Effect' is in place in China with the 'information rich' making use of public libraries as another access point for ICT, rather than the 'information poor' using it. Public access ICT use was also found to be strongly related to the availability of other access points and the ability of the user, with those who gain access in other public areas being more likely to use the libraries ICT than those who have home access. This indicates to some extent that the library is fulfilling aspects of its role in bridging the digital divide by providing access to those who need it, but also that they are not appealing to people with lower levels of ICT ability as much as would be desired to close the skills and access gaps. The frequency of library ICT use was found to be significantly related to frequency of library use, length of time using the ICT, tasks performed, other access points, strength of online networks, previous success in using the ICT, and satisfaction with the hardware available in the library. The tasks completed by users were also demonstrated to be impacted by demographic factors, usage of other library facilities, and the types of tasks users normally use ICT for. In particular, the length of time a user spent using the ICT had an effect on four of the task types, with individuals who used the ICT for longer being more likely to perform those tasks. The tasks other than leisure were also linked to a set of other facilities at the library, indicating that ICT tasks may be linked to broader library tasks. | |
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