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上传时间:2013/12/5 0:36:40 
英文题目:Research For Experiential Services Marketing Of Tianjin National Properties Ltd 
英文关键字:marketing strategy,Experiential marketing, service marketing, service process 
中文摘要: 伴随着房地产市场的飞速增长以及国家的不断调控,各房地产企业的营销手段也在不断地进行着各种尝试及创新。从传统的报纸广告满天飞,到网络时代后的几大房产网相互PK,再到线下渠道的不断挖掘;与此同时,购房者也在不断的趋于理性,持币观望的情绪愈加明显,从之前的只关心地段和价格,到现在越来越注重楼盘的品质及服务。显然,开发商也很清楚的意识到了这一点,在不断推出各种促销手段的同时,也在逐步的提升产品设计以及客户的购买体验。 20世纪80年代中后期,作为一种营销要素,服务开始逐渐引起人们的注意。在这一段时期里,科学技术在不断的进步,社会生产力也有了明显的提高,同时,伴随着生产专业化的发展以及日渐加速的产业升级,产品的服务含量逐步提升;而另外一方面,市场伴随着劳动生产率的提升,开始逐步由卖方市场向买方市场发展,而消费者的消费需求也随着日渐提高的收入水平开始发生变化,其相应的需求层次也在向多元化的方向发展。服务营销与传统的产品营销的不同在于,他将企业所能提供的服务提列出来,使其与企业产品成为一个并列的要素。 国民地产2004年进入天津,深耕张家窝镇南站新城板块板块多年,现已拓展至百万平米规模,随着京沪高铁天津南站的建成使用以及地铁三号线延长线的贯通,南站新城板块逐渐成为天津市的热点区域,吸引了万科、星河、保利等众多品牌开发商进入,区域内产品同质化严重,竞争趋于白热化。面对如此激烈的竞争,国民地产选择了体验式服务营销策略,线上全方位的媒体整合推广,示范区、样板区等有形展示以及营销团队服务意识等软硬件的全方位提升来提升服务品质,给购房者良好的购买体验,从而将项目高品质的属性传递给客户,坚定客户的购买信心,最终实现销售指标的完成与利润率的增长。  
英文摘要: Along with the rapid development of the real estate market and the Continued warming of the national macroeconomic regulation and control in recent years, the real estate enterprise’s marketing method has been conducted various attempts and innovation. From the traditional newspaper advertising exist everywhere, to several major real estate network media t Competing in the age of new media, and to continue mining channels; at the same time, customers are also constantly grow and become more rational, from before the only care about place and prices, and now more and more attention to quality and service property. For developers ,in order to remain an invincible position in this intense competitive environment, In addition to Constantly use various method of sales promotion,they must pay more attention to product quality, and optimize the service process, in order to give customers better buying experience. As a marketing elements, Service drew people’s attention in the late 80's of the 20th century. During this period, due to the progress of science technology and social productivity greatly, professional development and production of accelerating industrial upgrading. on one hand ,the service content of the products, namely product service intensity increasing. On the other hand, with the increase of labour productivity, market turn to buyer, consumers with higher income, their consumption demand is gradually changing, the demand level also increased, and extend to the direction of diversification. Compared with the traditional product marketing, service marketing’s the key point is the enterprise’s service separately listed with the enterprise’s products , let them become a parallel elements. National Properties Ltd get into TianJin since 2004, deeply develop in South Metro plate for many years, their project Society Hill grow from the original 200000 square meters to one million square metres, they also build a 250000 square meter’s Commercial Centre with hot spring, Conference Center,and Stars Hotel,become the first market in this region. With the Built using of Beijing Shanghai high-speed rail and the Traffic of Metro Line three’s Extended line, South Metro plate has become a hot area in Tianjin.Not only attract more and more customers outside the region,it also attract lots of brand developer such as Vanke,Poly, Star River. The product’s supply in this region has growing geometrically and the homogenization is very serious, competition become fierce. While the National Properties Ltd itself has a lot of internal management problems, causes the product itself does not have the price advantage. At the same time, as the product transition ,the image should be reestablishing, plus the customer complaints cause by quality problems , customers’ confidence are certain negative influence. From the judgment of the marketing environment, National Properties Ltd gave up the low cost strategy ,and choose differentiation competitive strategy, to avoid falling into the price war. In the marketing strategy ,they choose experiential marketing services, based on the improvement of product quality, use good physical display and marketing team’s service awareness improving, give customer a good purchase experience, which will transfer property quality to the customer, firm the customer ’s buying confidence, and ultimately achieve the sales target and the rate of profit growth.  
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