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论文编号: | 8915 | |
作者编号: | 2120142548 | |
上传时间: | 2016/12/10 10:30:10 | |
中文题目: | JD公司质量管理研究----基于产品盈利能力改善的视角 | |
英文题目: | The Research of Quality Management at JD Company: Based on Product Profitability Improvement | |
指导老师: | 张晓农 | |
中文关键字: | 质量成本,盈利能力,客户需求 | |
英文关键字: | Quality cost, Earning capability, Customer need | |
中文摘要: | 世界经济进入后金融危机时期,需求的骤减和大量的观望资本成为制造业低迷的推手。而中国的国内经济也已经步入转型期,增长放缓,需要有创新的突破来释放新的增长点。在世界性粮食问题、中国政府农业补贴项目、中国制造2025和工业4.0战略等多重政策和需求的联合助推下,农业机械产业被认为是未来制造业的增长点。 如何把握有利时机实现业绩的增长对于以农业机械为主营业务的JD公司来说至关重要。是像一些企业那样通过非制造环节的提升来改善业绩,还是像美国福特公司一样通过制造环节的挖潜而苦练内功来对抗外界经济形势的变化,从而保持公司的品牌形象和提升盈利能力。 本文通过对相关理论的梳理和总结,力图论证出一套关于从客户需求出发,通过企业质量的改善,来助力品牌的巩固和盈利能力提升的方法。结合JD公司的经营环境和发展战略,文章分析了其所在的市场特点和面临的主要问题;最终在JD公司实践了通过质量的改善来提升盈利能力。从相关质量、财务和客户满意度的数据前后对比来看,质量的改善对其它两个方面都有着积极和深远的影响。 作为世界知名农机制造商的JD公司,通过融入企业文化的质量精神,始终坚持质量为企业核心价值观并主导公司的长期发展战略。在百余年的经营发展中,不断地创新和积淀。在中国的业务遇到一些小的风浪,作者希望能够通过本文论述的质量改善方法让公司迅速走出低谷,迎接下一个辉煌。 作者阅读了大量的国内外相关研究资料和文献,对JD公司的管理战略也进行了更加透彻的分析。同样希望能够为中国农业机械制造行业乃至整个制造业的发展提出一些建议。 | |
英文摘要: | During the post-crisis period of global economy, manufacturing industries suffered a lot from the declined demand and conservative capital. The high speed of China GDP had also been slowed down and moved into a transition period, waiting for new opportunities. However, the joint impact from worldwide food crisis, the subsidy program of China government and their new strategy to enhance the technology level and quality level of “Made in China” brought the country with a new opportunity of Agriculture Machines. JD Company who had been China for 40 year needs to develop a way to better run their top business of Agriculture Machines, either to improve the performance by non-manufacturing business or to learn from “Ford” company to improve manufacturing efficiencies to achieve better performance on brand reinforcement and profitability improvement. The author reviewed the related theories and developed a way to determine customer need, and improve both the business performance and customer satisfaction through quality improvement. The method had been implemented at JD Company with the further study and alignment of the JD strategy and business characteristics. And the result is positive and the performance had been improved. JD Company is one of the most famous agricultural machine manufacturers. Quality is always the core value in the enterprise culture and a frequent topic in the strategic plan. The problem JD Company faced in China is only a “lesson learn” and the author hopes the new methodology can help JD Company to be more successful in future. The author read a lot of domestic and foreign research data and literature, as well as a detailed analysis of JD Company strategy, in order to establish a valuable practice as a reference to other manufacturing company, or even the whole industries. | |
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