‘Discipline, Rules, and Action’— an Institute of Finance and Development Event
发布人:高飞  发布时间:2018-01-29   浏览次数:322

To answer the call by upper Communist Party committee, the professors’ party branch, the PhDs’ and the Masters’ party branch of Institute of Finance attended a Party training and visited revolutionary monument on April 15th, 2017.

Professor Tian mentioned that the consolidation of party members is significant to strengthen the party's cohesion and the ruling ability. Also, strengthening party members ' training and education can be treated as an important role of Institute of Finance. Then, professor Tian introduced in depth about the contents of four-pronged comprehensive strategy, four tests and other related party knowledge. Professor Tian encouraged students and other professors to behave and conduct research remaindering of ’Discipline, Rules, and Action’ principles, with the association of the former Prime Minister Zhou’s examples.

To get more experience and absorb the former Prime Minister Zhou’s revolutionary sentiment, and to cultivate Party spirit, the professors’ party branch, the PhDs’ and the Masters’ party branch of Institute of Finance, along with Applicants for Party Membership, visited Zhou Enlai and Deng Ying Chao Monument, a national-level located in the water park in Tianjin.

Party members and students looked around photos and typical poems of Prime Minister Zhou and his spouse Deng throughout history and learned their events to save the country and lead the revolution. After visiting, students were moved by Zhou and Deng’s mind of caring for people and acts for revolution. The country could fight against invaders successfully and be built, because of a bundle of Party members who offered selfless devotion. As members of a new generation, we should carry on the excellent tradition of Party members, enhance sentiment, study hard, devote ourselves and knowledge to the country. The event enhanced the sentiment and thought of Party members among professors and students of Institute of Finance and Development.

