Dr. Xu Xianchun, the former deputy director of the National Bureau of statistics, was employed by a visiting professor and a lecture in our institute
发布人:高飞  发布时间:2018-01-29   浏览次数:293

In June 19, 2017, Mr. Xu Xianchun, the former deputy director of the National Bureau of statistics, visited the Nankai University Financial Development Research Institute in B215 room, Nankai University, and carried out a lecture entitled how to correctly use the government statistical data. The lecture was chaired by Professor Tian Lihui of the Financial Development Research Institute. Young teachers and graduate students from our institute attended the lecture.

At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Tian first gave Dr. Xu Xianchun a warm welcome and made brief introduction for Dr. Xu Xianchun . Dr. Xu Xianchun graduated from Liaoning University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Peking University, respectively by MSC and PhD in economics, Bachelor of economics, former deputy director of the National Bureau of statistics. He is the director of Economic Research Center Chinese social data at the Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, and adjunct at Fudan University, Renmin University of China, Xiamen University . Besides ,he is adjunct professor of many universities or visiting professor of many universities.

After that, Dr. Xu Xianchun shared a lecture on how to use government statistics correctly for the Ph. D. and master's students of the Institute of financial development. Dr. Xu Xianchun pointed out that the government statistics are valuable economic and social resources, and have important economic and social values. Whether it is economic and social analysis, policy formulation, or academic research, the correct use of government statistical data is of great significance. Dr. Xu Xianchun gave a full introduction of how to correctly use government statistics from the correct choice of government statistics, accurate understanding of government statistics classification standard, the scope of investigation, methods of investigation and collection methods and the relationship between the scope of government statistical indicators and relevant statistical indicators.

The lecture lasted more than two hours, Professor Tian made a brief comment on the lecture, young teachers in our college and postgraduate exchange the experience of using government data, GDP data generation process and accuracy issues with Professor Xu Xianchun. Finally, on behalf of the Nankai University , Financial Development Research Institute , Professor Tian gave Dr. Xu Xianchun a part-time professor of appointment .Professor Xu Xianchun can further improve the ability of scientific research in our institute. The lecture was successfully completed in a warm applause.
