薛嘉云 2022级博士研究生 Email: Jiayun_Xue@mail.nankai.edu.cn
教育经历 博士学位, 南开大学, 2022-至今 硕士学位, 南开大学, 2019-2022 学士学位, 江南大学,2015-2019
科研方向 超快光学与应用
文章 [1] Jiayun Xue, Nan Zhang, Lanjun Guo, et al, "Effect of laser repetition rate on the fluorescence characteristic of a long-distance femtosecond laser filament," Opt. Lett. 47, 5676-5679 (2022) [2] Shishi Tao, Bofu Xie, Jiayun Xue, et al, "Giant enhancement of acoustic and fluorescence emission from an off-axis reflective femtosecond laser filamentation system," Opt. Express 30, 38745-38752 (2022) [3] Xiaoyue Wang, Junyi Nan, Jiayun Xue, et al, "Filament-induced nonlinear hyperspectral fluorescence imaging," Optics and Lasers in Engineering,156,107109 (2022) [4] Jiayun Xue, Hui Gao, Nan Zhang,et al, "External focusing dependence of spatial distribution of air lasers during femtosecond laser filamentation in air," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 081402 (2021) [5] 刘伟伟, 薛嘉云, 苏强, 陈瑞良,超快激光成丝现象研究综述. 中国激光, 47(5): 0500003, (2020)
所获奖项 南开大学公能奖学金一等奖、二等奖 “互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国铜奖、天津市金奖