

称: 副教授



2015.8-2017.7 美国范德堡大学医学中心,博士后

2006.8-2011.7 美国大学布迪医学院解剖与胞生物学专业,博士

2003.9-2006.6 范大学生命科学学院胞生物学专业

1999.9-2003.6 范大学生命科学学院生物技术专业,学士



2011.8-2017.12 南开大学医学院,讲师




1. 胞外基胞信号转导

2. 瘤微境与瘤干胞的相互影响

3. 瘤的免疫治



1. 天津市用基及前沿技研究划一般目,瘤微境中的透明对肿瘤干胞分化特性的影响(号:12JCYBJC30900,起止:2012.10-2015.12)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金目,瘤微境中的透明乳腺癌干胞干性的影响(号:81301856,起止: 2014.01-2016.12)

3. 教育部留学回国人科研启基金,瘤微境中的透明对肿瘤干胞分化特性的影响(起止:2014.04-2016.12)

4. 中央高校基本科研业务,CD44不同异构体乳腺癌干胞自我更新特性的影响(起止2014.04-2014.12)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上目,PTPN2性乳腺癌患者anti-PD-1/PD-L1应疗效的影响及机制研究(号:81872325起止 2019.01-2022.12



1.Gao, R., Li, D., Xun, J., Zhou, W., Li, J., Wang, J., Liu, C., Li, X., Shen, W., Qiao, H., Stupack, D. G., and Luo, N. (2018) CD44ICD promotes breast cancer stemness via PFKFB4-mediated glucose metabolism. Theranostics8, 6248-6262(共同通

2.Gao, R., Liu, Y., Li, D., Xun, J., Zhou, W., Wang, P., Liu, C., Li, X., Shen, W., Su, W., Qiao, H., Stupack, D. G., and Luo, N. (2018) PFKFB4 Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis via Induction of Hyaluronan Production in a p38-Dependent Manner. Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology50, 2108-2123(共同通

3.Luo, N., Formisano, L., Gonzalez-Ericsson, P. I., Sanchez, V., Dean, P. T., Opalenik, S. R., Sanders, M. E., Cook, R. S., Arteaga, C. L., Johnson, D. B., and Balko, J. M. (2018) Melanoma response to anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy requires JAK1 signaling, but not JAK2. Oncoimmunology7, e1438106(第一作者)

4.Luo, N., Nixon, M. J., Gonzalez-Ericsson, P. I., Sanchez, V., Opalenik, S. R., Li, H., Zahnow, C. A., Nickels, M. L., Liu, F., Tantawy, M. N., Sanders, M. E., Manning, H. C., and Balko, J. M. (2018) DNA methyltransferase inhibition upregulates MHC-I to potentiate cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in breast cancer. Nature communications9, 248(第一作者)

5.Shen, W., Zhang, X., Du, R., Fan, Y., Luo, D., Bao, Y., Yang, W., Luo, N., Luo, Y., and Zhao, S. (2018) ICAM3 mediates tumor metastasis via a LFA-1-ICAM3-ERM dependent manner. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease1864, 2566-2578(共同通

6.Li, J., Yin, J., Shen, W., Gao, R., Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Li, X., Liu, C., Xiang, R., and Luo, N. (2017) TLR4 Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis via Akt/GSK3β/β-Catenin Pathway upon LPS Stimulation. The Anatomical Record300, 1219-1229(共同通

7.Shen, W., Du, R., Li, J., Luo, X., Zhao, S., Chang, A., Zhou, W., Gao, R., Luo, D., Wang, J., Hao, N., Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Luo, Y., Sun, P., Yang, S., Luo, N., and Xiang, R. (2016) TIFA suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma progression via MALT1-dependent and -independent signaling pathways. Signal Transduction And Targeted Therapy1, 16013(共同通

8.Ai, Q., Yin, J., Chen, S., Qiao, L., and Luo, N. (2016) Rotavirus-associated immune thrombocytopenic purpura in children: A retrospective study. Experimental and therapeutic medicine12, 2187-2190(通

9.Shen, W., Chang, A., Wang, J., Zhou, W., Gao, R., Li, J., Xu, Y., Luo, X., Xiang, R., Luo, N., and Stupack, D. G. (2015) TIFA, an inflammatory signaling adaptor, is tumor suppressive for liver cancer. Oncogenesis4, e173(共同通

10.Wang, R., Zhou, W., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Jiang, S., Luo, X., Stupack, D. G., and Luo, N. (2015) Role of Hyaluronan and Glucose on 4-Methylumbelliferone-inhibited Cell Proliferation in Breast Carcinoma Cells. Anticancer research35, 4799-4805(共同通

11.Luo, N., Knudson, W., Askew, E. B., Veluci, R., and Knudson, C. B. (2014) CD44 and hyaluronan promote the bone morphogenetic protein 7 signaling response in murine chondrocytes. Arthritis & rheumatology66, 1547-1558(第一作者)

12.Ariyoshi, W., Knudson, C. B., Luo, N., Fosang, A. J., and Knudson, W. (2010) Internalization of aggrecan G1 domain neoepitope ITEGE in chondrocytes requires CD44. The Journal of biological chemistry285, 36216-36224

13.Balko, J. M., Schwarz, L. J., Luo, N., Estrada, M. V., Giltnane, J. M., Davila-Gonzalez, D., Wang, K., Sanchez, V., Dean, P. T., Combs, S. E., Hicks, D., Pinto, J. A., Landis, M. D., Doimi, F. D., Yelensky, R., Miller, V. A., Stephens, P. J., Rimm, D. L., Gomez, H., Chang, J. C., Sanders, M. E., Cook, R. S., and Arteaga, C. L. (2016) Triple-negative breast cancers with amplification of JAK2 at the 9p24 locus demonstrate JAK2-specific dependence. Science translational medicine8, 334ra353



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3 E-mailluon11@nankai.edu.cn
