
南开大学 医学院 |  changliu@nankai.edu.cn


·     20042009,南开大学,生命科学学院,分子病毒学专业,理学博士

·     20002004,南开大学,生命科学学院,生物科学,理学学士


·     2018.12—至今,南开大学,医学院,病原生物学教研室,副教授

·     2009.92018.12,南开大学,医学院,病原生物学教研室,讲师

·     2013.82014.8Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, 访问学者



·     本科课程

o《医学微生物学》(示范精品课) 、《医学微生物学实验》、《病原生物学》及《病原生物学实验》(主讲) 、《口腔微生物学及实验》、《创新研究与训练》 、《RPython生信入门》

·     研究生课程



·     2018年,天津市医师协会骨科分会创新与转化学组工作委员会委员

·     2019年,国家远程医疗与互联网医学中心,医学人工智能专家委员会委员



·     HIVi: A Novel Weapon to Kill HIV”,the Grand Challenges Explorations2010.5-2011.5

·     HIV-1中国流行株多靶位RNAi基因治疗研究”,国家自然科学基金委,青年项目 (2012.1-2014.12)

·     “天津男男性接触者人群HIV-1流行株RNAi基因治疗”,天津市科委,青年项目 (2013.4-2016.3)

·     HIV-1Tat蛋白损伤神经元过程外泌体穿梭microRNA的确定及其机制研究”(2018.4-2021.3)



·     “抑制HIV-1的长发卡结构RNA表达原件的构建及功能检测”,授权发明专利,第一发明人


·     《慢病毒与泡沫病毒分子生物学》,科学出版社

·     Drugs Targeting the Various Steps of HIV-1 Life Cycle, Bentham Science Publisher Ltd's


1. Y. Liu, D. Zhou, J. Feng, Z. Liu, Y. Hu, C. Liu* and X. Kong*: HIV-1 Protein Tat1-72 Impairs Neuronal Dendrites via Activation of PP1 and Regulation of the CREB/BDNF Pathway. Virol Sin, 33(3), 261-269 (2018) doi:10.1007/s12250-018-0031-4

2. C. Liu#, Z. Chen#, Y. Hu, H. Ji, D. Yu, W. Shen, S. Li, J. Ruan, W. Bu and S. Gao: Complemented Palindromic Small RNAs First Discovered from SARS Coronavirus. Genes (Basel), 9(9) (2018) doi:10.3390/genes9090442

3. C. Liu, Z. Liang and X. Kong: Efficacy Analysis of Combinatorial siRNAs against HIV Derived from One Double Hairpin RNA Precursor. Front Microbiol, 8, 1651 (2017) doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01651

4. C. Liu, C. Xie, K. Grant, Z. Su, W. Gao, Q. Liu and L. Zhou: Patch-clamp fluorometry-based channel counting to determine HCN channel conductance. J Gen Physiol, 148(1), 65-76 (2016) doi:10.1085/jgp.201511559

5. Z. Liang, X. Wang, H. Li, B. Liu, X. Zhao, C. Liu* and X. H. Kong*: Silencing of HIV-1 gag gene from epidemic strains among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Tianjin, China by a broad-spectrum short hairpin RNA. Virusdisease, 25(3), 294-301 (2014) doi:10.1007/s13337-014-0209-9

6. Z. Liang, B. Liu, X. Zhao, C. Liu* and X. H. Kong*: A method to mathematically determine transduction efficiency of lentivirus in HeLa cells. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology, 15, 138 (2013)

7. Q. Yuan#, C. Liu#, Z. Liang, X. Chen, D. Diao and X. Kong: The comparison of genetic variation in the envelope protein between various immunodeficiency viruses and equine infectious anemia virus. Virol Sin, 27(4), 241-7 (2012) doi:10.1007/s12250-012-3253-x

8. Z. Liang, Z. Guo, X. Wang, X. Kong* and C. Liu*: Two retroviruses packaged in one cell line can combined inhibit the replication of HIV-1 in TZM-bl cells. Virol Sin, 27(6), 339-44 (2012) doi:10.1007/s12250-012-3263-8

9. C. Liu, X. H. Kong, W. T. Qiao and Y. Q. Geng: Bovine herpesvirus 1 protein bICP0 represses the transcription of bISG15 in fetal bovine lung cells. Virol Sin, 26(6), 403-8 (2011) doi:10.1007/s12250-011-3213-x

10. C. Liu, X. Li, X. Yao, X. Kong, W. Qiao and Y. Geng: Bovine ISG15: an antiviral and inducible protein in BIV infected fetal bovine lung cells. Virol J, 7, 134 (2010) doi:10.1186/1743-422X-7-134


·     医学院孔晓红教授实验室 (http://medical.nankai.edu.cn/2017/0623/c6669a69326/page.htm

·     物理科学学院潘雷霆教授实验室 (http://panltlab.org/)可合作招生物医学方向博士生(直博、转博或考核选拔制)1~2名,硕士生(保送或考试)2~3名。如有意向,联系 plt@nankai.edu.cn
