
张旭论文入围Advanced Science 2016年5月原创论文下载排行榜第3名!

Advanced Science Top 10:2016年5月原创论文下载排行榜

2016年06月3日 By  请评论

1. Simple 3D Printed Scaffold-Removal Method for the Fabrication of Intricate Microfluidic Devices:2015年第九期发表的研究短文,该工作来自荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Vittorio Saggiomo课题组。

2. High-Performance Li–O2 Batteries with Controlled Li2O2 Growth in Graphene/Au-Nanoparticles/Au-Nanosheets Sandwich:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自浙江大学谢健课题组。

3.  MnPSe3 Monolayer: A Promising 2D Visible-Light Photohydrolytic Catalyst with High Carrier Mobility:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自南开大学周震课题组。

4. Anchoring CoO Domains on CoSe2 Nanobelts as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting in Neutral Media:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自天津大学张兵课题组。

5. An Organic Mixed Ion–Electron Conductor for Power Electronics:2016年第一期发表的研究短文,该工作来自瑞典林雪平大学Xavier Crispin课题组。

6. Control of Emission Color of High Quantum Yield CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots by Precipitation Temperature:2015年第九期发表的研究短文,该工作来自香港城市大学Andrey L. Rogach课题组。

7. Nanoengineering to Achieve High Sodium Storage: A Case Study of Carbon Coated Hierarchical Nanoporous TiO2 Microfibers:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自澳大利亚卧龙岗大学侴术雷课题组。

8. High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells Based on a Wide-Bandgap Polymer Containing Pyrrolo[3,4-f]benzotriazole-5,7-dione with a Power Conversion Efficiency of 8.63%:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自华南理工大学Lei Ying课题组。

9. Cobalt Oxide and Cobalt-Graphitic Carbon Core–Shell Based Catalysts with Remarkably High Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自南京工业大学邵宗平课题组。

10. High-Performance Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Based on a Selenium-Containing Polymer Donor and a Twisted Perylene Bisimide Acceptor:目前在线发表(Early View),该工作来自北京航空航天大学孙艳明课题组。


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