Professor Longyue, Zhao (E-mail: Enlai School of Government, Nankai University

In August, 2015, the project "Global Governance Regimes and China’s Strategy to Integrate International and Domestic Rules" was launched as a major research project funded by National Social Science Fund of China. The research group is leading by Prof. Zhao who is a distinguished lead expert on global economical governance and strategic choices for China to engage in international rule-making process . As well, he has published dozens of high-quality articles related to this topic for the past few years. Prof. Zhao also constantly consulted by China’s State Council and related Ministries for policy recommendations on these issue-areas. This project will accumulate and demonstrate his group’s comprehensive research results and findings to the academia community.
Nowadays China is facing the increasing regulation pressure, so it's urgently need to adopt some measures to resolve it, therefore it's needed to maximize the full integration into the economic rule-system and strengthening China's position in the dual historical process. For a long term, China has participated in international rule-making system, especially in the usage of international ruling to reform domestic system, and didn't neglect the importance of these reforms.
It's well know that China faces tremendous pressure from the process of developing its economy and engaging in international economic and financial regimes in the past. This pressure still exists and is getting urgent for China to take effective measures to address it. Due to ignoring the proactive ways to reform international regimes, our strategy to participate in international regimes were problematic, and for some degree China were passively forced to reform domestically by international pressure. Therefore, China should recognize the importance of coordinating domestic and international rules, uploading China's wisdom and philosophy of domestic rules to the international level. "Internationalize" our regulation may also meet China's structural needs to gain "institutional power" at global economic governance forums. Taking the strong supports China gains from international community especially the developing countries into consideration, China should take more active role to shape international rule-making process. The integrating approach towards international regimes may also input fairness and equality to international system, thus contributing to provide institutional public goods for the international community.
All country need realize, that the integrated international and domestic rules, which should be adjusted in international rules of wisdom and conception, to implement "the internalization of domestic rules", which is the urgent need to achieve the global economic governance system. And of course, to expect the participation of rule-making international community and general affairs between developing countries and China. To accelerate their vigorous involvement in international rule-making, to promote full national power, reasonable and more fair international rules of the system, finally, to create institutional public products for international community.
The roadmap of our research steps could be described as followings. Firstly, our research will focus on domestic regulation to ensure domestic rules with compatibility to interact with international rules, avoiding the potential conflicts between domestic governance system and international rules. Secondly, the project will explore the approaches to "upload" domestic rules to international level, and shaping international norms in the long run. The purpose is to strengthen China's influence in international rule-making process, gaining more institutional power globally. Thirdly, the project will seek grand strategy to maintain fairness and justice in the international rule-making process, representing the interest of developing countries. Most importantly, we will try to design the frameworks and programs to integrate domestic and international rules. It might be challenging and complicated to explore because of the huge difference of goals, scopes, operating and implementing process between domestic and international rules.
This project will follow solution-oriented approach, seeking to coordinate with China's economic diplomacy, and providing insightful theories, concepts and strategy. The content of the project will cover the international trade, financial, environmental regimes, and also will comprehensively consider the linkages and interacting between domestic and international rules. The leading expert of this project, professor Longyue Zhao will coordinate distinguished domestic experts and international researchers’ research tasks and schedules to ensure to accomplish these research objectives. We hope to provide noteworthy research results and profound policy recommendations to related policy-policy making departments in China.
This project must solve such tasks as:
•How domestic law could have the same international content of vision, successfully integrated into international rule system, to avoid internal and external conflict scales.
•In terms of international rules, how to modify the preservation of international justice, and especially to reflect developing-countries interests.
•How to design and integrate international and domestic rules on specific approaches and programs of action.
But the main problem is the complexity of rules of international system, more over, there is existing functional disparity between operative objectives, logical and implementation path of both sides.
This topic is oriented to solve issues which are described above. Focusing as well on services of national economic and foreign development strategy, oriented to the new period of consideration and integrated usage of domestic and international rules, to provide theoretical support and strategy program. The main content is about trading, financial and environment rules, and the most important to consider is the mobilization of three rules at the international and national dimensions, providing more powerful interaction. Developing trading, financial and environment rules also need consider in the ranks of international regulations and it's applicability of norm of rules. We need remember, the consideration of development process in the international ranks, it's active participation of international community for the promotion of international rules, adjustment and innovation.
To be sure, that the project will be successfully carried out, the other foreign and national top-experts in specific areas has invited.
In terms of promotion scientific division of labor, we expect to achieve significant innovation result for the scientific research, educational value and national decision-making reference.