Since 2001, Nankai University has been collaborating with Taiwan Soochow University and Taiwan Dong Hwa University and other higher educational institutions in a wide range and has made great achievements.
Held Cross-Strait Forum on Industrial Economic Cooperation and Innovation Development
In October 2013, Nankai University, Taiwan Soochow University and Tianjin Municipal government jointly held the first “Cross-Strait Forum on Industrial Economic Cooperation and Innovation Development”. Former Chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, Chen Yunlin, former Chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, Chiang Pinkung, Deputy Mayor of Tianjin, Ren Xuefeng, Chairman of Taipei Forum, Su Qi, President of Nankai University, Gong Ke, President of Taiwan Soochow University, Pan Weida, founder of Commonwealth Publishing Group, Gao Xijun, Kuomintang think-tank organizer Chen Shiyi etc. attended the opening ceremony. The forum has attracted great attention of media, including CCTV, Xinhua New Agency, China New Service etc. and achieved a great success.
October 2015, Nankai University, Taiwan Soochow University and Tianjin Municipal government jointly hosted the second Cross-Strait Forum on Industrial Economic Cooperation and Innovation Development- New Economy, New Service, New Space.
Former Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Jiang Zhenghua, former Director of the News Office of the State Council Zhao Qizheng, former President of Taiwan Executive Yuan, Chen Chong, former Vice-Chairman of Straits Exchange Foundation and Secretary-General, Gao Konglian, Senior Deputy Mayor of Tianjin, Duan Chunhua, President of Nankai University, Gongke, President of Taiwan Soochow University, Pan Weida attended the opening ceremony. Former Chairman of Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance, Xu Jiadong, President of Taiwan Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Wu Zhongshu and president of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Lin Jianfu made keynote speeches.
Published the first series of “Comparative Research on Industries of Cross-Strait”
With Nankai University taking the leading role, series publications on “Comparative Research on Industries of Cross-Strait” which gathered scholars and experts from dozens of research institutions and universities including Tsinghua University, Sichuan University, Taiwan Tsinghua University, Taiwan University, Taiwan Jiaotong University, Taiwan Soochow University etc. were released in October, 2012. The books are focused on areas of common interest such as Hi-tech Zones, ports, logistics, steel, health and agricultural products and other industries, providing active suggestion on Cross-Strait future cooperation and policy development from the perspectives of industrial policy, management system, market scale, operational efficiency, innovation and competition.
These publications are the first comparative study books on Cross-Strait industries and they include 21 books published in 3 separate batches. Former Chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, Chen Yunlin and former Chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, Chiang Pinkung wrote the preface for this series.
Published Contemporary Logistics in China (English edition) Worldwide
In 2011, Research Center for Logistics, Nankai University released Contemporary Logistics in China (English edition) in Philadelphia, America with participation of Taiwan Dong Hwa University and other tertiary educational institutions. At the invitation of Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), the books were released several times during its annual conferences. Chairman and chief executive officer of CSCMP,Rick Blasgen and Professor John Langley of Pennsylvania State University, Professor Britta Gammelgaard of Copenhagen Business School and other well-known experts in logistics field speak highly of the book. So far, the reports have been published 5 times, downloaded more than 1000 times attracting wide attention of both domestic and international societies.
Established Nankai-Soochow Research Center for Economic Management
In 2006, College of Economic and Social Development, Nankai University and Business School, Taiwan Soochow University established Nankai-Soochow Research Center for Economic Management forming strategic cooperation relationship between the two universities. The center is committed to cultivating of new disciplines and serving the society. Since the establishment, it has significantly enhanced the research capability of Nankai University on productivity and efficiency research.