索书号 | 题名 | 责任者 | ISBN | 出版者 | 出版年 |
O482.53/B496 | 200 and more NMR experiments : a practical course | Berger | 3527310673 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O411.1/S997 | A course in modern mathematical physics : groups,Hilbert space and differential geometry | Szekeres | 0521829607 | 2004 | |
TP | A first course in computational physics andobject-oriented programming with C++ | Yevick | 0521827787 | 2005 | |
O413.3/Z98 | A first course in string theory | Zwiebach | 0521831431 | 2004 | |
O431/B124e2 | A guide to experiments in quantum optics | Bachor | 3527403930 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O411.1/S672e2 | A guided tour of mathematical methods for thephysical sciences | Snieder | 0521834929 | 2004 | |
O412.1/P755 | A relativist's toolkit : the mathematics ofblack-hole mechanics | Poisson | 0521830915 | 2004 | |
TB7/O36 | A user's guide to vacuum technology | O'Hanlon | 0471270520 | Wiley-Interscience | 2003 |
P43/K96 | Adiabatic invariants in large-scale atmosphericdynamics | Kurgansky | 0415284155 | Taylor & Francis | 2002 |
P318.2/A244 | Advances in nonlinear dynamos |
| 041528788X | Taylor & Francis | 2003 |
P159/L712e2 | An introduction to modern cosmology | Liddle | 0470848340 | Wiley | 2003 |
O175.2/P647 | An introduction to partial differential equations | Pinchover | 0521848865 | 2005 | |
S152/R795 | An introduction to the environmental physics ofsoil, water and watersheds | Rose | 0521829941 | 2004 | |
TN248.4/Y94 | Analysis and design of vertical cavity surfaceemitting lasers | Yu | 0471391247 | Wiley-Interscience | 2003 |
TB301/A532 | Analysis of residual stress by diffraction usingneutron and synchrotron radiation |
| 0415303974 | Taylor & Francis | 2003 |
TN25/A | Applications of nonlinear fiber optics | Agrawal | 0120451441 | Academic Press | 2001 |
O411.1/M424 | Applied mathematical methods in theoreticalphysics | Masujima | 3527405348 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O414.2/A861 | Asymptotic theory of quantum statisticalinference : selected papers |
| 9812560157 | World Scientific | 2005 |
O56/J73 | Atomic and molecular clusters | 0748409300 | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | |
O562.3/S969e4 | Atomic and molecular spectroscopy : basic aspectsand practical applications | Svanberg | 3540203826 | Springer | 2004 |
O414.14/O89 | Beyond equilibrium thermodynamics | Ottinger | 0471666580 | Wiley-Interscience | 2005 |
Q6/C847 | Biophysics : an introduction | Cotterill | 0471485373 | Wiley | 2002 |
O657.2/C144 | Calculation of NMR and EPR parameters : theoryand applications |
| 3527307796 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O561/M467 | Charge and energy transfer dynamics in molecularsystems | May | 3527403965 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O6-05/C517 | Chemoinformatics : a textbook |
| 3527306811 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
O41/R278 | Classical and quantum dissipative systems | Razavy | 1860945309 | Imperial | 2005 |
O441/F832 | Classical electromagnetism | 0805387331 | Addison-Wesley | 2005 | |
O571/W423 | Cold and ultracold collisions in quantummicroscopic and mesoscopic systems | Weiner | 0521781213 | 2003 | |
TN915/C737 | Complex dynamics in communication networks |
| 3540243054 | Springer | 2005 |
O657.99/C737 | Comprehensive handbook of calorimetry and thermalanalysis |
| 047085152X | J. Wiley | 2004 |
O4-43/J78e3/2001 update | Contemporary college physics | Jones | 0072399112 | McGraw Hill | 2001 |
O485/C824 | Correlation spectroscopy of surfaces, thin films,and nanostructures |
| 3527404775 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
P159.3/C693 | Cosmology : the origin and evolution of cosmicstructure | Coles | 0471489093 | John Wiley | 2002 |
O63/M | Crystallization of polymers | Mandelkern | 0521816815 | 2002 | |
TN201/E93 | Depolarizing collisions in nonlinearelectrodynamics | Evseev | 0415284163 | CRC Press | 2004 |
C/P-61/D554 | Dictionary of geophysics, astrophysics, andastronomy |
| 0849328918 | CRC Press | 2001 |
C/O572.2-61/D554 | Dictionary of material science and high energyphysics |
| 0849328896 | CRC Press | 2001 |
C/O4-61/D | Dictionary of pure and applied physics |
| 084932890X | CRC Press | 2001 |
O441/L743 | Differential forms in electromagnetics | Lindell | 0471648019 | Wiley-Interscience | 2004 |
O721/C875e3 | Diffraction physics | Cowley | 0444822186 | Elsevier Science B.V. | 1995 |
G20-532/I23/3rd | Digital communities in a networked society :e-commerce, e-business, and e-government |
| 1402077955 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 2004 |
TN911.73/D574 | Digital image sequence processing, compression,and analysis |
| 0849315263 | CRC Press | 2005 |
O441/S762 | Dynamics of charged particles and their radiationfield | Spohn | 0521836972 | 2004 | |
F830.9-05/M123 | Dynamics of markets : econophysics and finance | McCauley | 0521824478 | 2004 | |
P313-532/S448/2000 | Earth's core and lower mantle |
| 0415309360 | Taylor & Francis | 2003 |
K837.126.1/E35d | Einstein : A to Z | Fox | 0471466743 | J. Wiley | 2004 |
O4/C157 | Einstein for dummies | Calle | 0764583484 | Wiley | 2005 |
O631.2/R481 | Electrical properties of polymers | Riande | 0824753461 | Marcel Dekker | 2004 |
O441.4/K19 | Electromagnetic fields : restrictions andapproximation | Katsenelenbaum | 3527403884 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
O482/Y19 | Electron correlation in metals | Yamada | 0521572320 | 2004 | |
O572.32/E38 | Electron scattering : from atoms, molecules,nuclei, and bulk matter |
| 0306487012 | Kluwer Academic | 2005 |
O482.53/G382 | Electron spin resonance spectroscopy of organicradicals | Gerson | 3527302751 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
O657.31/E47 | Electronic and photoelectron spectroscopy :fundamentals and case studies | Ellis | 0521817374 | 2005 | |
TN04/T236 | Electronic composites | Taya | 0521841747 | 2005 | |
TN01/A793 | Electronics | Arun | 1842652176 | Alpha | 2006 |
TL52/E38 | Electrostatic accelerators : fundamentals andapplications |
| 3540239839 | Springer | 2005 |
O211.6/R916 | Elements of the random walk : an introduction foradvanced students and researchers | Rudnick | 0521828910 | 2004 | |
C/O4-61/E | Encyclopedia of applied physics |
| 3527404783 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
C/O469-61/E56(v. 1) | Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics |
| 0122276108 | Academic | 2005 |
C/O4-61/L616e3(v. 1) | Encyclopedia of physics |
| 3527405542 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
C/V1-61/E56(v. 1) | Encyclopedia of space science & technology |
| 0471324086 | Wiley | 2003 |
C/O611-61/E57 | Encyclopedia of the elements : technical data,history, processing, applications | Enghag | 3527306668 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O436.1/S955 | Equations of mathematical diffraction theory | Sumbatyan | 0415308496 | CRC Press | 2005 |
O64-37/C889e2 | Essentials of computational chemistry : theoriesand models | Cramer | 0470091819 | Wiley | 2004 |
O4/C | Essentials of physics | Cutnell | 0471713988 | Wiley | 2006 |
TP393.4/P293 | Evolution and structure of the Internet : astatistical physics approach | Pastor-Satorras | 0521826985 | 2004 | |
O471.3/G567 | Excitons in low-dimensional semiconductors :theory, numerical methods, applications | Glutsch | 3540202404 | Springer | 2004 |
TN241/F329e2 | Femtosecond laser pulses : principles andexperiments |
| 0387017690 | Springer | 2005 |
P631/M661 | Field geophysics | Milsom | 0470843470 | J. Wiley | 2003 |
O414.2/M476 | Fluctuations, order, and defects | Mazenko | 0471328405 | J. Wiley | 2003 |
O189.3/N693 | Foliations on surfaces | Nikolaev | 3540675248 | Springer | 2001 |
O414.2/K45 | Fractional statistics and quantum theory | Khare | 9812561609 | World Scientific | 2005 |
O455/R555 | Frequency standards : basics and applications | Riehle | 3527402306 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
TN24/T784 | Frequency-resolved optical gating : themeasurement of ultrashort laser pulses | Trebino | 1402070667 | Kluwer Academic | 2000 |
O426/C515 | Fundamentals and applications of ultrasonic waves | Cheeke | 0849301300 | CRC Press | 2002 |
O571/B298 | Fundamentals in nuclear physics : from nuclearstructure to cosmology | Basdevant | 0387016724 | Springer | 2005 |
02718120 | Fundamentals of atmospheric modeling | Jacobson | 052183970X | 2005 | |
O4/H188e | Fundamentals of physics | Halliday | 0471429651 | Wiley | 2005 |
O4/H188e | Fundamentals of physics | Halliday | 0471429651 | Wiley | 2005 |
P315.3/C466 | Fundamentals of seismic wave propagation | Chapman | 052181538X | 2004 | |
TN248.4/N971 | Fundamentals of semiconductor lasers | Numai | 0387408363 | Springer | 2004 |
O413/G429 | Geometric and algebraic topological methods inquantum mechanics | Giachetta | 9812561293 | World Scientific | 2005 |
P467/H838 | Global warming : the complete briefing | Houghton | 0521817625 | 2004 | |
O413/O77 | Gravity and strings | Ortin | 0521824753 | 2004 | |
O6-05/H236(v. 1) | Handbook of chemoinformatics : from data toknowledge |
| 3527306803 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
C/TN24-62/W | Handbook of lasers | Weber | 0849335094 | CRC Press | 2001 |
TH74/H236 | Handbook of optical components and engineering |
| 0471390550 | Wiley-Interscience | 2003 |
TN204/W375 | Handbook of optical materials | Weber | 0849335124 | CRC Press | 2003 |
O572.2/S957 | Handbook of particle physics | Sundaresan | 0849302153 | CRC Press | 2001 |
O572.3/G795 | High Pt physics at hadron colliders | Green | 0521835097 | 2005 | |
O175.9/A315 | High-precision methods in eigenvalue problems andtheir applications | Akulenko | 041530993X | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2005 |
O153-532/H792 | Hopf algebras in noncommutative geometry andphysics |
| 0824757599 | Marcel Dekker | 2005 |
O482.31/I58 | Inorganic phosphors : compositions, preparationand optical properties |
| 0849319498 | CRC Press | 2004 |
O572.2-532/C577/8th | Intersections of particle and nuclear physics :8th conference, CIPANP2003 : |
| 0735401691 | American Institute of Physics | 2003 |
O571/R369 | Introduction to cluster dynamics | Reinhard | 3527403450 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O433.5/A161 | Introduction to laser spectroscopy | Abramczyk | 044451662X | Elsevier | 2005 |
O53/G981 | Introduction to plasma physics : with space andlaboratory applications | Gurnett | 0521364833 | 2005 | |
O413.3/K61 | Introduction to quantum field theory | Kiselev | 9056992376 | CRC Press | 2000 |
O413.1/P558 | Introduction to quantum mechanics | Phillips | 0470853239 | Wiley | 2003 |
O48/K62e8 | Introduction to solid state physics | Kittel | 047141526X | J. Wiley | 2005 |
TB301/I61 | Introduction to the characterization of residualstress by neutron diffraction |
| 0415310008 | Taylor & Francis | 2005 |
O413/H141 | Introductory applied quantum and statisticalmechanics | Hagelstein | 0471202762 | Wiley-Interscience | 2004 |
O4/T722 | Introductory physics : building understanding | Touger | 0471418730 | Wiley | 2006 |
O431.2/G379 | Introductory quantum optics | Gerry | 0521820359 | 2005 | |
F276.44/K18 | It's not about the technology : developing thecraft of thinking for a high technologycorporation | Karamchedu | 0387233504 | Springer | 2005 |
O189.24/M293 | Knot theory | Manturov | 0415310016 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2004 |
P427.32/R162 | Lightning : physics and effects | Rakov | 0521583276 | 2003 | |
TU311/N331 | Linear and nonlinear structural mechanics | Nayfeh | 0471593567 | Wiley-Interscience | 2004 |
O51/E59 | Low-temperature physics | Enss | 3540231641 | Springer | 2005 |
C/O4-61/M167(v. 1) | Macmillan encyclopedia of physics |
| 0028973593 | Macmillan | 1996 |
TP312po/C344 | Mathematical illustrations : a manual of geometryand PostScript | Casselman | 0521839211 | 2005 | |
O17/R573 | Mathematical methods for physics and engineering: a comprehensive guide | Riley | 0521813727 | 2002 | |
O411.1/C236 | Mathematical methods in physics and engineeringwith Mathematica | Cap | 1584884029 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2003 |
O413.3/L523 | Mathematical methods of many-body quantum fieldtheory | Lehmann | 1584884908 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2005 |
O411.1/M | Mathematical tools for physicists |
| 3527405488 | Wiley-VCH ; [ | 2005 |
C/O4-61/M147b | McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of physics. |
| 0071439552 | McGraw-Hill | 2005 |
TB301/H825 | Mechanical behavior of materials | Hosford | 0521846706 | 2005 | |
TN304.055/M587 | Metal based thin films for electronics |
| 3527403655 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
TN25/M | Microoptics : from technology to applications |
| 0387209808 | Springer | 2004 |
TH742/B737 | Microoptics technology | Borrelli | 0824759214 | Marcel Dekker | 2005 |
O46/C444 | Modern vacuum physics | Chambers | 0849324386 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2005 |
O643.12/L665b | Molecular reaction dynamics | Levine | 052184276X | 2005 | |
TN01/N186 | Nanoelectronics and information technology :advanced electronic materials and novel devices |
| 3527405429 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
TB383/N186d | Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications :techniques, tools, applications, and impact |
| 3527311157 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
TB383/W853 | Nanophysics and nanotechnology : an introductionto modern concepts in nanoscience | Wolf | 3527404074 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O435/N994 | Natural focusing and fine structure of light :caustics and wave dislocations | Nye | 0750306106 | 1999 | |
O224/N532 | New optimization algorithms in physics |
| 3527404066 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O43/B | Baierlein | 0521423236 | 2001 | ||
O313/A676 | Newton-Euler dynamics | Ardema | 0387232753 | Springer | 2005 |
O4-09/D216 | Nobel laureates and twentieth-century physics | Dardo | 0521832470 | 2004 | |
TH16/N813 | Nonlinear dynamics of production systems |
| 3527404309 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
TN911.72/N813 | Nonlinear signal and image processing : theory,methods, and applications |
| 0849314275 | CRC Press | 2004 |
O413.1/I43e2 | Nonlinear waves, solitons, and chaos | Infeld | 0521632129 | 2000 | |
O572.2-532/C425/20th | Nuclear dynamics, from quarks to nuclei :proceedings of the XXth CFIF Fall Workshop, |
| 3211838996 | Springer | 2003 |
O79/S347 | Nucleation theory and applications | Schmelzer | 3527404694 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O431/M271 | Optical coherence and quantum optics | Mandel | 0521417112 | 1995 | |
TN2/Y28e5 | Optical electronics in modern communications | Yariv | 0195106261 | 1997 | |
O572.31/S158e2 | Optical properties of photonic crystals | Sakoda | 3540206825 | Springer | 2005 |
O431/K62 | Optical solitons : from fibers to photoniccrystals | Kivshar | 0124105904 | Academic Press | 2003 |
O482.3/Y43 | Optical waves in layered media | Yeh | 0471731927 | Wiley | 2005 |
O43/M578 | Optics, light and lasers : the practical approachto modern aspects of photonics and laser physics | Meschede | 3527403647 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
TN104.3/K11 | Organic electroluminescence | Kafafi | 0824759060 | Taylor & Francis | 2005 |
TP391.4/B | Pattern recognition and image preprocessing | Bow | 0824706595 | Marcel Dekker | 2002 |
TN25/B626 | Photonic crystal fibres | Bjarklev | 140207610X | Kluwer Academic | 2003 |
O734/P575 | Photonic crystals : advances in design,fabrication, and characterization |
| 3527404325 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O734/P | Photonic crystals : physics, fabrication, andapplications |
| 3540205594 | Springer | 2004 |
O734/P575d | Photonic crystals : towards nanoscale photonicdevices |
| 354024431X | Springer | 2005 |
O572.31-532/N279/2000 | Photonic crystals and light localization in the21st century |
| 0792369475 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 2001 |
TH74/P575 | Photophysics of molecular materials : from singlemolecules to single crystals |
| 3527404562 | Wiley-VCH | 2006 |
O4/T575e6 | Physical science | Tillery | 0072509783 | McGraw-Hill | 2005 |
O4/T | Physics | Tippens | 007301267X | Higher education | 2007 |
O647/B988 | Physics and chemistry of interfaces | Butt | 3527404139 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
Q615/S671 | Physics in molecular biology | Sneppen | 0521844193 | 2005 | |
O631.2/W517 | Physics of photorefraction in polymers | West | 0415310733 | CRC Press | 2005 |
TM914.4/W967 | Physics of solar cells : from principles to newconcepts | Wurfel | 3527404287 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O4/P | Physics of solids, nuclei and particles |
| 8173196419 | Narosa | 2006 |
O646.9-532 | Plasma processes and polymers |
| 3527404872 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O436.3/C698e2 | Polarized light | Goldstein | 082474053X | Marcel Dekker | 2003 |
O361.3/G594 | Principles of magnetohydrodynamics : withapplications to laboratory and astrophysicalplasmas | Goedbloed | 0521623472 | 2004 | |
O4/S272 | Principles of modern physics | Saxena | 1842652133 | Alpha Science International Ltd. | 2005 |
O211/J42 | Probability theory : the logic of science | Jaynes | 0521592712 | 2003 | |
O211/G146d | Products of random variables : applications toproblems of physics and to arithmetical functions | Galambos | 0824754026 | Marcel Dekker | 2004 |
C931.6/P993 | Putting knowledge networks into action :methodology, development, maintenance |
| 3540405747 | Springer | 2005 |
O572.24/N231 | QCD as a theory of hadrons : from partons toconfinement | Narison | 0521811643 | 2004 | |
TP387/S876 | Quantum computing : a short course from theory toexperiment | Stolze | 3527404384 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O471.1-532/N279/2003 | Quantum dots: fundamentals, applications, andfrontiers : [proceedings of the NATO AdvancedResearch Workshop on Quantum Dots: Fundamentals,Applications and Frontiers, |
| 1402033133 | Springer | 2005 |
F830.9/B111 | Quantum finance : path integrals and Hamiltoniansfor options and interest rates | Baaquie | 0521840457 | 2004 | |
O413/R873 | Quantum gravity | Rovelli | 0521837332 | 2004 | |
O4-39/Q1 | Quantum information processing |
| 3527405410 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O189.3/C552 | Quantum integrable systems | Chowdhury | 1584883804 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2004 |
O413.1/D488 | Quantum mechanics | Devanathan | 1842652249 | Alpha Science | 2005 |
O413.1/H | Quantum mechanics : a conceptual approach | Hameka | 0471649651 | Wiley-Interscience | 2004 |
O413.1/G685e2 | Quantum mechanics : fundamentals. | Gottfried | 0387955763 | Springer | 2003 |
O413/Q | Quantum paradoxes : quantum theory for theperplexed |
| 3527403914 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O413/R134e2 | Quantum physics, illusion or reality? | Rae | 0521542669 | 2004 | |
O413/A237 | Quantum theory as an emergent phenomenon : thestatistical mechanics of matrix models as theprecursors of quantum field theory | Adler | 0521831946 | 2004 | |
O48/G537 | Quantum theory of the electron liquid | Giuliani | 0521821126 | 2005 | |
O413/M527 | Quantum transport in mesoscopic systems :complexity and statistical fluctuations, amaximum-entropy viewpoint | Mello | 0198525826 | 2004 | |
O422/L981 | Radiation acoustics | Lyamshev | 0415309999 | CRC Press | 2004 |
P142.1/C354 | Radiation hydrodynamics | Castor | 0521833094 | 2004 | |
R811.1/P742 | Radiation physics for medical physicists | Podgorsak | 3540250417 | Springer | 2006 |
O572.33-532/I61/2002 | Refereed and selected contributions fromInternational Conference on Quark Nuclear Physics |
| 3540206612 | Springer-Verlag | 2004 |
O412.1/S827e3 | Relativity : an introduction to special andgeneral relativity | Stephani | 0521811856 | 2004 | |
K816.11/J27 | Remarkable physicists : from Galileo to Yukawa | James | 0521816874 | 2004 | |
O657.3/R454(2004) | Reviews in fluorescence. |
| 0306484609 | Kluwer Academic | 2004 |
TN15/R324 | Silicon photonics : an introduction | Reed | 0470870346 | John Wiley & Sons | 2004 |
TN40/K19 | Silicon quantum integrated circuits :silicon-germanium heterostructure devices :basics and realisations | Kasper | 354022050X | Springer | 2005 |
O189.3/L529 | Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics | Leimkuhler | 0521772907 | 2004 | |
O645/S617 | Single molecule detection in solution : methodsand applications |
| 3527403108 | Wiley-VCH | 2002 |
O4/M824e2/Unit C | Six ideas that shaped physics. Unit C,Conservation laws constrain interactions | 0072291524 | McGraw-Hill | 2003 | |
O4/M824e2/Unit E | Six ideas that shaped physics. Unit E, Electricand magnetic fields are unified | 007239711X | McGraw-Hill | 2003 | |
O4/M824e2/Unit N | Six ideas that shaped physics. Unit N, The lawsof physics are universal | 0072397128 | McGraw-Hill | 2003 | |
O4/M824e2/Unit Q | Six ideas that shaped physics. Unit Q, Particlesbehave like waves | 0072397136 | McGraw-Hill | 2003 | |
O4/M824e2/Unit R | Six ideas that shaped physics. Unit R, The lawsof physics are frame-independent | 0072397144 | McGraw-Hill | 2003 | |
O4/M824e2/Unit T | Six ideas that shaped physics. Unit T, Someprocesses are irreversible | 0072397152 | McGraw-Hill | 2003 | |
O35-532/I61/3rd | Slow dynamics in complex systems : 3rdInternational Symposium on Slow Dynamics inComplex Systems : |
| 0735401837 | American Institute of Physics | 2004 |
S152/J95 | Soil physics | Jury | 047105965X | J. Wiley | 2004 |
P182/F766 | Solar astrophysics | Foukal | 3527403744 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
TB383-532/E89/8th | Solid state transformation and heat treatment |
| 352731007X | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O482.7/S686 | Solid-state photoemission and related methods :theory and experiment |
| 3527403345 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
TN248.1/N777 | Solid-state random lasers | Noginov | 0387239138 | Springer | 2005 |
O43/Y71 | Sonoluminescence | Young | 0849324394 | CRC Press | 2005 |
O413/B433e2 | Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics :collected papers on quantum philosophy | 0521523389 | 2004 | ||
O412.1/S411 | Special relativity : from Einstein to strings | Schwarz | 0521812607 | 2004 | |
O414.2/H552 | Statistical physics : including applications tocondensed matter | Hermann | 0387226605 | Springer | 2005 |
P15/M385 | Statistics of the galaxy distribution | 1584880848 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2002 | |
TB383/S961 | Surface effects in magnetic nanoparticles |
| 0387232796 | Springer | 2005 |
O571/S269 | The atomic nucleus as a relativistic system | Savushkin | 3540404929 | Springer | 2004 |
O572.2/W423/Rev.ed. | The discovery of subatomic particles | Weinberg | 052182351X | 2003 | |
O414.2/V | The field theoretic renormalization group incritical behavior theory and stochastic dynamics | Vasilv | 0415310024 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2004 |
P152/S781 | The formation of stars | Stahler | 3527405593 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
P159-532/S828/2002 | The future of theoretical physics and cosmology :celebrating Stephen Hawking's 60th birthday |
| 0521820812 | 2003 | |
P14/R916 | The magnetic universe : geophysical andastrophysical dynamo theory | Rudiger | 3527404090 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O413/H | The new quantum universe | Hey | 0521564182 | 2003 | |
C/O43-61/O62(v. 1) | The optics encyclopedia : basic foundations andpractical applications |
| 3527403205 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O572.24/K78 | The phases of quantum chromodynamics : fromconfinement to extreme environments | Kogut | 0521804507 | 2004 | |
Q6/B | The physical basis of biochemistry : thefoundations of molecular biophysics | Bergethon | 0387982620 | Springer | 1998 |
O4/K91e11 | The physical universe | Krauskopf | 0072509791 | McGraw-Hill | 2006 |
O646.1/P578 | The physics and technology of ion sources |
| 3527404104 | Wiley-VCH | 2004 |
O571/J65 | The physics of radiology | Johns | 0398046697 | Charles C. Thomas | 1983 |
O572.21/H713 | The physics of synchrotron radiation | Hofmann | 0521308267 | 2004 | |
O4/P144e6 | The physics of vibrations and waves | Pain | 0470012951 | John Wiley | 2005 |
O572.24/W337 | The quantum quark | Watson | 0521829070 | 2004 | |
O511/F711 | The rise of the superconductors | Ford | 0748407723 | CRC Press | 2005 |
TN24/S959 | The supercontinuum laser source : fundamentalswith updated references |
| 0387245049 | Springer | 2006 |
O43/R763 | Theoretical optics : an introduction | Romer | 3527404295 | Wiley-VCH | 2005 |
O572.23/D771 | Theory and phenomenology of sparticles : anaccount of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetry inhigh energy physics | Drees | 9810237391 | World Scientific | 2004 |
O511/T396 | Theory of copper oxide superconductors |
| 3540251898 | Springer | 2005 |
O431.2/T396 | Theory of nonclassical states of light |
| 0415284139 | Taylor & Francis | 2003 |
TP391.4/B633 | Theory of remote image formation | Blahut | 0521553733 | 2004 | |
TM914.4/B837 | Thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells :physics and technology | Brendel | 3527403760 | Wiley-VCH | 2003 |
O411.1/M293 | Topological solitons | Manton | 0521838363 | 2004 | |
O4/U55(pt. 3) | Understanding physics |
| 0471464376 | Wiley | 2004 |
O4/U55(pt. 3) | Understanding physics |
| 0471464376 | Wiley | 2004 |
O413/F662 | V.A. Fock--selected works : quantum mechanics andquantum field theory | Fok | 0415300029 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2004 |
O641/W423 | Valency and bonding : a natural bond orbitaldonor-acceptor perspective | Weinhold | 0521831288 | 2005 | |
C/O4-61/W927(v. 1) | World of physics |
| 0787636517 | Gale Group | 2001 |