The 1st Nankai EMBA Alumni Organization Development Meeting was held at Nankai Business School on March 3.
Leaders that were present in the meeting included: Prof. Zhang Yuli, Dean of NBS, Mr. Chen Xuguang, Director of NBS Alumni Affairs Center, and Dr. Lv Feng, Director of Nankai EMBA Center. Other participants were: EMBA alumni representatives from different regions, heads of EMBA clubs, and faculty staff of Nankai EMBA Center. The event was chaired by Jin Yanhui, Vice Director of the Center.
Dr. Lv Feng briefed on the theme of this meeting, and heads of the EXED Center, the Student Admission Department and the Public Relations Department of EMBA introduced their 2017 work plans respectively. Alumni representatives and club heads all talked about their experience and offered suggestions. Finally, Prof. Zhang Yuli made some concluding remarks.