Journal Articles1. Xie Yi, Xiaoying Zheng* (2019),“How does corporate learning orientation enhance industrial brand equity? Theroles of firm capabilities and size”,
Journal of Business & IndustrialMarketing, Forthcoming.
2. Zheng Xiaoying*, Ernest Baskin, Ravi Dhar (2019), “By Brand or By Category? The Effect of Comparison Context in Brand Extension Evaluation”,
Journal of Retailing, Forthcoming.
3. Zheng Xiaoying*, Ernest Baskin, and Siqing Peng (2018), “Feeling Inferior, Showing off: The Effect of Nonmaterial Social Comparisons on Conspicuous Consumption”,
Journal of Business Research, 90, 196-205.
4. Zheng Xiaoying*, Ernest Baskin, and Siqing Peng (2018), “The Spillover Effect of Incidental Social Comparison on Materialistic Pursuits: The Mediating Role of Envy”,
European Journal of Marketing, 52 (5/6), 1107-1127.
5. Hu Saiquan, Zhou Zhong, Jin Zhang and Xiaoying Zheng*(2018), “Cognitive Flexibility and Advice Network Centrality: The Moderating Role of Self-Monitoring”,
Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1947).
6. Hu Saiquan, Xiaoying Zheng*, Junming Zhu, Nan Zhang (2018), “The Impact of Mortality Salience on Intergenerational Altruism and the Perceived Importance of Sustainable Development Goals”,
Frontiers in Psychology, 03 August.
7. Hu Saiquan, Xiao Jia, Xiaojin Zhang, Xiaoying Zheng, Junming Zhu (2017), “How Political Ideology Affects Climate Perception: Moderation Effects of Time Orientation and Knowledge”,
Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 127: 124-131. (Equal contribution)
8. 郑晓莹*,孙鲁平(2018),“陈列方式对消费者新产品评价的影响—品牌质量的调节作用”,
管理评论,30(12): 70-81.
9. 郑晓莹*,彭泗清(2018),“评价模式对品牌延伸态度的影响:匹配度与消费者创新性的调节作用”,
10. 郑晓莹*,谢毅,彭泗清(2018),“协同还是拮抗——消费者感知的企业产品能力与宣传能力对品牌资产的交互影响企业能力”,
社会科学辑刊,4(237): 143-152.
11. 文思思,李东进,郑晓莹(2017),广告对消费者的说服力:广告信息框架与消费者孤独感的交互效应,
管理学报,14(12): 1819-1828.
12. 彭璐珞,郑晓莹*,彭泗清(2017),全球化背景下心理学研究的新领域:文化混搭,
心理科学进展,25(7): 1240-1250.
13. 文思思, 李东进, 郑晓莹*(2017). 我可以补偿你吗? 脱销情境下, 可得选择项数量对替代性购买的影响.
营销科学学报, 12(3), 64-86.
14. 郑晓莹*, 申桐遥, 张慕涵 (2017). 众筹产品创新性对其融资绩效的影响: 产品类型的调节作用.
现代管理科学, (4), 97-99.
15. 郑晓莹*, 阮晨晗, 彭泗清 (2017). 物质主义作为自我建构的工具: 功能主义的研究视角.
心理研究, 10(1), 10-16.
16. 郑晓莹*,彭泗清,彭璐珞 (2015). “达”则兼济天下?社会比较对亲社会行为的影响及心理机制.
心理学报, 47(2), 1-8.
17. 郑晓莹*,彭泗清,戴姗珊 (2014). 社会比较对炫耀性消费的影响:心理补偿的视角.
营销科学学报, 10(3),19-31.
18. 郑晓莹*,彭泗清 (2014). 补偿性消费行为:概念、类型与心理机制.
心理科学进展, 22(9): 1513-1520.
19. 郑晓莹*,彭泗清 (2012). 当洋人穿“唐装”,唐人穿“洋装”— 消费者对国内外品牌的不同广告诉求的反应.
营销科学学报, 8(1): 1-19.
Conference Papers
1. ZhengXiaoying, Zoey Chen, Jing Xu, and Hao Shen (2018), “To Be Respected orBe Liked: How Social Comparisons Influence Consumer Preference for Competenceand Warmth in Choice Making?” Accepted by Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, Savannah, US.
2. Zheng Xiaoying (2017). The Devil is in the Smile: Smiley Temptation and Motivated Calorie Estimation in Restrained Eaters. Accepted by Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, San Diego, US.
3. Zheng Xiaoying, Siqing Peng (2016). Outperforming vs. Being Outperformed: A Competence-Warmth Differential Signaling Need of Upward and Downward Social Comparison. Accepted by the Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Pete Beach, US.
4. Zheng Xiaoying, Ernest Baskin, Ravi Dhar, Siqing Peng (2015). By Brand or By Category? The Effect of Display Context in Evaluating Incongruent Brand Extensions. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, New Orleans, US.
5. Zheng Xiaoying, Siqing Peng (2015). Striving for Superiority: An Envy Motivated Materialism Account of Social Comparison and Conspicuous Consumption. Accepted by the International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, Tokyo, Japan.
6. Zheng Xiaoying, Siqing Peng (2015). Conspicuous Consumption as a Way to Cope with Threatening Social Comparison. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Asian Pacific Conference, Hong Kong.
7. Zheng Xiaoying, Ernest Baskin, Ravi Dhar, Siqing Peng (2015). By Brand or By Category? The Effect of Display Context in Evaluating Incongruent Brand Extensions. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Asian Pacific Conference, Hong Kong.
8. Peng, Luluo, Siqing Peng, Wenting Feng, and Xiaoying Zheng (2012). When Foreign Brands Stretch Their Hands to Local Products: The Effect of Cultural Fit in Cross-culture Brand Extension Evaluation. Presented at the AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida.
9. Zheng, Xiaoying, Yi Xie, and Siqing Peng (2011). The Impact of Marketing Capability on Customer Responses: A Customer-based Brand Equity Perspective. Presented at the Informs Marketing Science Conference, Houston, Texas.