Recently, the research paper CEO career concerns in early tenure and corporate social responsibility reporting completed by Yu Li and her research team at the Accounting Department of Nankai University Business School has been published online in Contemporary Accounting Research, a top international journal in accounting.
This study examines the motivations behind corporate social responsibility (CSR) information disclosure.
The results of this study show that CEO at the early stage of their tenure will take the voluntary disclosure of CSR reports as a signal to convey their personal ability to the outside world, and thus become an important factor affecting the voluntary disclosure of CSR reports.
In recent years, the Business School of Nankai University has been vigorously supporting the development of outstanding talents, creating a good working environment and providing a solid guarantee for the development of talents. At present, a number of business school scholars have published research papers in top international journals, which has continued to sound the voice of Nankai Business Science and enhance the international academic influence.