Australia | |
| The University of Melbourne |
| The University of Queensland |
| The University of Sydney |
Austria | |
| Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
| |
Belgium | |
| |
| Ghent University |
Brazil | |
| Universidade de Sao Paulo |
Britain | |
| Oxford University |
Canada | |
| Simon Fraser University |
| Queen's University |
| McGill University |
| Université du Québec à Montréal |
| University of Toronto |
| University of Waterloo |
China | |
| Nankai University |
Denmark | |
| Odense University |
France | |
| Domaine Universitaire |
| Université de Marne-la-Vallee |
| Université Calude Bernard Lyon 1 |
| the Leibniz Laboratory |
| |
| |
Germany | |
| Technische Universität Berlin |
| University of Bayreuth |
| Technische Universität Berlin |
| Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
| Universität Hamburg |
Hungary | |
| |
Italy | |
| Università degli Studi di Firenze |
| Università degli Studi di Firenze |
Japan | |
| |
Korea | |
| |
Netherlands | |
| maintained by the Operations Research and Mathematical Programming group at the University of Twente |
| |
| Eindhoven University of Technology |
New Zealand | |
| The University of Auckland |
Portugal | |
| University of Lisbon |
Russia | |
| Russian Academy of Sciences |
| |
Singapore | |
| The National University of Singapore |
South Africa | |
| |
Spain | |
| Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Sweden | |
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| |
| Umea University |
Switzerland | |
| Zurich |
United Kingdom | |
| |
| London School of Economics |
| Open University |
| Oxford University |
| Queen Mary and Westfield College |
| University of Glasgow |
| University of Strathclyde |
USA | |
| Georgia Tech |
| Auburn University |
| |
| |
| Emory University |
| University of California, San Diego |
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| |
| University of Colorado at Denver |
| Clemson Univesity |
| University of Delaware |
| Louisiana State University |
| |
| Michigan Technological University |
| Arizona State University |
| University of Waterloo |
| Carnegie Mellon University |
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| University of Kentucky |
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