1. | 崔素平,谷珊珊,郝莉君 |
| On second and eighth order mock theta functions |
| Ramanujan J. |
2. | 谷珊珊,郝莉君 |
| On some new mock theta functions |
| J. Aust. Math. Soc. |
3. | 崔素平,谷珊珊 |
| Congruences modulo powers of 2 for generalized Frobenius partitions with six colors |
| Int. J. Number Theory |
4. | F.F. Cai,侯庆虎,孙怡东,杨立波 |
| Combinatorial identities related to 2*2 submatrices of recursive matrices |
| Discrete Math. |
5. | 郜璐璐,解红叶,杨立波 |
| Schur positivity and log-concavity related to longest increasing subsequences |
| Discrete Math. |
6. | 常虹,冀蒙,李学良,张静姝 |
| Conflict-free connection of trees |
| J. Comb. Optim |
7. | H. Jiang,W.J. Li,李学良,C. Magnant |
| On proper (strong) rainbow connection of graphs |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
8. | 冀蒙,李学良 |
| Strong conflict-free connection of graphs |
| Appl. Math. Comput. 364(2020) |
9. | 李学良,张莹莹, X.Y. Zhu,Y.P. Mao,H.X. Zhao,S. Jendrol' |
| Conflict-free vertex-connections of graphs |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 40(1)(2020) |
10. | W. Xia,李学良 |
| Adjacency rank and independence number of a signed graph |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. |
11. | H.Z. Li ,Y.B. Ma,李学良 |
| The vertex-rainbow connection number of some graph operations |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
12. | 李平,李学良 |
| Monochromatic k-edge-connection colorings of graphs |
| Discrete Math. |
13. | 陈小林,李学良,连会书 |
| Rainbow k-connectivity of random bipartite graphs |
| Acta Math. Appl. Sin. |
14. | 冀蒙,李学良,X.Y. Zhu |
| (Strong) conflict-free connectivity Algorithm and complexity |
| Theoret. Comput. Sci. |
15. | 顾冉,李学良,史永堂 |
| Hypergraph Turan numbers of vertex disjoint cycles |
| Acta Math. Appl. Sin. |
16. | 冀蒙,李学良 |
| Erd\"{o}s-Gallai-type results for conflict-free connection of graphs |
| Ars Combin. |
17. | Q. Cai, N. Fan, 史永堂,姚顺雨 |
| Integer linear programming formulations for double Roman domination problem |
| Optim. Methods Softw. |
18. | H. Liu, C. Magnant, A. Saito, I. Schiermeyer, 史永堂 |
| Gallai-Ramsey number for K4 |
| J. Graph Theory |
19. | 兰永新,史永堂 |
| Planar Turan numbers of short paths |
| Graphs Combin. |
20. | 兰永新,史永堂, Z-X. Song |
| Planar anti-Ramsey numbers for paths and cycles |
| Discrete Math. |
21. | 兰永新,史永堂, Z-X. Song |
| Extremal Theta-free planar graphs |
| Discrete Math. |
22. | 兰永新,史永堂, Z-X. Song |
| Extremal H-free planar graphs |
| Electron. J. Combin. |
23. | 雷辉,S. O, 史永堂,D. West, X. Zhu |
| Extremal problems on saturation for the family of k-edge-connected graphs |
| Discrete Appl. Math. |
24. | 陈虎叶,韩华,路在平 |
| Some semisymmetric graphs arising finite vector spaces |
| J. Algebra Appl. |
25. | 路在平 |
| On edge-primitive 2-arc-transitive graphs |
| J Combin Ser A. |
26. | C.H. Li,J.J. Li,路在平 |
| Two-arc-transitive graphs of odd order |
| J. Algebraic Combin. |
27. | 路在平,E.J. Xu |
| On arc-transitive cayley digraphs of out-valency 3 |
| Discrete Math. |
28. | 陈虎叶,路在平 |
| On vertex-transitive self-complementary digraphs |
| Ars Combin. |