

管理员   2012-12-26   1546(次)


为帮助世界各国优秀青年深入了解中国和中华文化,繁荣汉学研究,促进孔子学院可持续发展,增进中国与各国人民之间的友好关系,孔子学院总部设立孔子新汉学计划 南开大学为中国执行高校之一。现将具体招生简章公布如下:

一、 项目内容



1. 中外合作培养博士项目:资助在外国大学注册的博士生来华学习12年,包括新招收和在读博士生,达到相关要求的,将由外方大学单独或外方大学与南开大学同时授予博士学位。申请者年龄一般在40岁以下,汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩不低于3级。

2. 来华攻读博士学位项目:资助外国学生来华攻读博士学位。年龄一般在40岁以下,汉语水平考试(HSK)须达到5级。

二、 申请资格

1. 非中国国籍。

2. 身体健康。

3. 具备必要的汉语交际能力,同等条件下汉语水平优异者优先。

4. 孔子学院所在大学或孔子学院学员优先。

5. 正在执行中国政府奖学金项目者,不得同时申请本项目

三、 申请办法

1. 申请者须登录http://ccsp.chinese.cn填写《申请表》。

2. 申请者须按所申报项目提供以下材料:

1) 中外合作培养博士项目,须提交在读博士生证明;所在国孔子学院推荐信及2封专家推荐信;汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩单或孔子学院同等考试证明。

2) 来华攻读博士学位项目,须提交经公证的大学本科、硕士学习期间成绩单、学位证书及中文译本各一份;所在国孔子学院推荐信及2封专家推荐信;汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩单或孔子学院同等考试证明。

3. 申请者须于2014218日前,将申请材料提交孔子学院总部和中方高校,申请材料须包括中文版本。

四、 录取办法



五、 经费资助


六、 联系方式






网址:http://ccsp.chinese.cn (国家汉办/孔子学院总部)

//m.kaolashu.com (南开大学)

地址:天津市南开区卫津路94 300071

附件: /孔子新汉学计划南开大学博士生导师名录.xls

Confucius ChinaStudy Plan

Nankai University

In order to foster deep understanding ofChinaand the Chinese culture among young elites from around the world, enable the prosperous growth ofChinastudies, promote the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes, and promote friendship betweenChinaand the people of other countries, the Confucius Institute Headquarters (the Headquarters) has set up the “Confucius China Study Plan”.NankaiUniversityis one of the host universities.

I. Content

Financial support is provided through support of specific research, etc. on designated academic areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The applicants will choose his/her research topic and supervisor based on the curriculum plan during his/her stay inChina. The programs of this year inNankaiUniversityinclude:

1. Sino-Foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram: sponsor newly registered or current Ph. D. students from a foreign university to pursue 1-2 years of studies inNankaiUniversity. Students who successfully complete the program will receive their Ph. D. degree either from the foreign university or from bothNankaiUniversityand foreign university simultaneously. The applicant should be under the age of 40 and pass Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Level 3.

2. Ph. D. Subprogram inChina: sponsor foreign students to pursue Ph. D. degree atNankaiUniversity. The applicant should be under the age of 40 and pass Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Level 5.

II. Qualification of the Applicants

1. Non-Chinese nationality

2. In good health condition

3. Have necessary Chinese communication competence. If candidates have the same qualifications, the one with better Chinese competence will be given priority in application and admission.

4. Students registered at Confucius Institute or applicants from universities that host a Confucius Institute will have priority in application and admission.

5. Applicants who are currently participating in Chinese Government Scholarship Project are not eligible to apply for this Plan.

III. Application Methods

1. Applicants shall log in http://ccsp.chinese.cn to download and fill in the Application Form.

2. Furthermore, the specific requirements for each subprogram are:

1) Sino-Foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram: Applicants shall submit PhD study certificate, 1 recommendation letter from the Confucius Institute in host countries, 2 recommendation letters from experts, and the HSK transcript or the equivalent transcript from the Confucius Institute.

2) Ph.D. Subprogram inChina: Applicants shall submit one copy of the notarized Academic Record of undergraduate and postgraduate education, Degree Certificate and their Chinese versions respectively, 1 recommendation letter from the Confucius Institute in host countries, 2 recommendation letters from experts, and the HSK transcript or the equivalent transcript from the Confucius Institute.

3. Applicants should submit their applications both to Nankai University and the Headquarters by February 18th, 2014. The application materials should include the Chinese versions.

IV. Appraisal of the Application

The Headquarters will organize a panel of experts to conduct the appraisal and interview. The result of appraisal will be announced in the spring of 2014.

The first batch of candidates will start their programs from the autumn of 2014.

V. Subsidy

Subsidy for Sino-Foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram and Ph.D. Subprogram in China includes: tuition, research fund, lodging and living stipend, library stipend, in-China health and accident insurance, as well as expenditures of conference and round-trip international transportation (one time per year) and the expenses of the necessary condition guarantee provided by the Chinese and/or oversea universities hosting the program.

VI. Contact Information

Office for Confucius Institute Affairs

Contact: Mr. Zhang Ning(Jason)




Web: http://ccsp.chinese.cn (Confucius Institute headquarters)

//m.kaolashu.com (Nankai University)

Mailing AddressOffice forConfuciusInstituteAffairs
94 Weijin Road, Nankai District,
Tianjin, 300071
P. R. China


1. Research topics and supervisors of Nankai University for CCSP(Chinese version)
