
1. 谷珊珊,刘静

Families of multisums as mock theta functions

Adv. Appl. Math. 79 (2016) 98--124
2. 郜璐璐,高雪玲,P. Laborde-Zubieta,孙毅

Enumeration of corners in tree-like tableaux

Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.
3. 杜康,侯庆虎,汪荣华

Infinite orders and non-D-finite property of 3-dimensional lattice walks

Electron. J. Combin.
4. S.S. Chen,侯庆虎,G. Labahn,汪荣华

Existence problem of telescopers beyond the bivariate case

ISSAC' 16: Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation.
5. 陈永川,郑宇

The Log-Behavior of $sqrtnp(n)$ and $sqrt[n]{p(n)/n}$ 

Ramanujan J.
6. 陈永川,付梅

Context-free grammars for permutations and increasing trees

Adv. Appl. Math. 82 (2017) 58--82
7. 范久瑜、郭龙、张连娣

On parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig $R$-polynomials for the symmetric group

J. Pure Appl. Algebra
8. 陈永川、郭嘉祥、郭龙、黄昊阳、刘玉虎

s-Inversion sequences and $P$-partitions of type $B$

SIAM J. Discrete Math.
9. 杨立波,赵静宇

Log-concavity of the Fennessey-Larcombe-French sequence

Taiwanese J. Math.
10. 孙毅,解红叶,杨立波

Melham's conjecture on odd power sums of Fibonacci numbers

Quaest. Math.
11. 陈宗青,Sergey Kitaev,孙毅

Word-representability of face subdivisions of triangular grid graphs

Graphs Combin.
12. 郜璐璐,Sergey Kitaev,张彪

Avoiding vincular patterns on alternating words

Discrete Math.
13. 崔素平,谷珊珊,黄雄

Congruence properties for a certain kind of partition functions

Adv. Math. 290 (2016) 739--772
14. 马迎宾,路在平

Rainbow connection numbers of Cayley graphs

J. Comb. Optim.
15. 路在平,宋宁

Light edges in 3-connected 2-planar graphs with prescribed minimum degree

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
16. 路在平,宋宁

On the minimum weight of a 3-connected 1-planar graph

Bull. Korean Math. Soc.
17. C.H. Li,路在平,G.X. Wang

Arc-transitive graphs of square-free order and small valency

Discrete Math. 339 (2016) 2907--2918
18. 李学良,C. Magnant,魏美芹,朱小宇

Generalized rainbow connection of graphs and their complements

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
19. 江慧,李学良,张莹莹

More on total monochromatic connection of graphs

Ars Combin.
20. 邓 波,李学良,王建锋

Further results on L-borderenergetic graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
21. 雷辉,T. Li,史永堂,H. Wang

Wiener polarity index and its generalization in trees

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
22. 李文静,李学良,张婧姝

Rainbow vertex-connection and forbidden subgraphs

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
23. 陈 琳,李学良,刘金凤

The k-proper index of graphs

Appl. Math. Comput.
24. 李学良, Y. Mao, I. Gutman

Inverse problem on the Steiner Wiener index

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
25. J.S. Cai,李学良,G.Y. Yan

Improved upper bound for the degenerate and star chromatic numbers of graphs

J. Comb. Optim.
26. 江 惠,李学良,张莹莹

Total monochromatic connection of graphs

Discrete Math.
27. 黄 飞,李学良,王书晶

Upper bounds of proper connection number of graphs

J. Comb. Optim.
28. 常 虹,李学良,覃忠美

Some upper bounds for the 3-proper index of graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
29. 李学良,吴 迪

The (vertex-)monochromatic index of a graph

J. Comb. Optim.
30. 邓 波,李学良

More on L-borderenergetic graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
31. D. Hu, 李学良, X.G. Liu, S.G. Zhang

The Laplacian energy and Laplacian Estrada index of random multipartite graphs

J. Math. Anal. Appl.
32. 黄 飞,李学良,王书晶

Proper connection numbers of complementary graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
33. 黄 飞,李学良,覃忠美,C. Magnant

Minimum degree condition for proper connection number 2

Theoret. Comput. Sci.
34. H.Z. Li,李学良,Y.F. Sun

Rainbow connection number of graphs with diameter 3

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
35. 李学良,魏美芹,朱小宇

Borderenergetic graphs with small maximum or large minimum degrees

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
36. 覃忠美,王建锋,杨 康

Oriented bicyclic graphs with the first five large skew energies

Ars Combin.
37. 邓 波,李学良,I. Gutman

More on borderenergetic graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
38. J. Dong, 李学良

Rainbow connection number and independence number of a graph

Graphs Combin.
39. X. Chen, 李学良,张莹莹

3-Regular mixed graphs with optimum Hermitian energy

Linear Algebra Appl.
40. 李学良,覃忠美,杨 康,王建锋

Tricyclic oriented graphs with maximal skew energy

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
41. 李学良,Y.P. Mao

Graphs with large generalized (edge-)connectivity

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
42. 洪思奥,S.N. Hu,Z.B. Lin

New results on the value of a certain arithmetical determinant

Acta Math. Hungar.
43. 洪思奥

The greatest common divisor of certain binomial coefficients

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I 354 (2016) 756--761
44. D.C. Han,Y. Ren,张汉斌

On *-clean group rings over abelian groups

J. Algebra Appl.