1. | 谷珊珊,刘静 |
| Families of multisums as mock theta functions |
| Adv. Appl. Math. 79 (2016) 98--124 |
2. | 郜璐璐,高雪玲,P. Laborde-Zubieta,孙毅 |
| Enumeration of corners in tree-like tableaux |
| Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. |
3. | 杜康,侯庆虎,汪荣华 |
| Infinite orders and non-D-finite property of 3-dimensional lattice walks |
| Electron. J. Combin. |
4. | S.S. Chen,侯庆虎,G. Labahn,汪荣华 |
| Existence problem of telescopers beyond the bivariate case |
| ISSAC' 16: Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. |
5. | 陈永川,郑宇 |
| The Log-Behavior of $sqrtnp(n)$ and $sqrt[n]{p(n)/n}$ |
| Ramanujan J. |
6. | 陈永川,付梅 |
| Context-free grammars for permutations and increasing trees |
| Adv. Appl. Math. 82 (2017) 58--82 |
7. | 范久瑜、郭龙、张连娣 |
| On parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig $R$-polynomials for the symmetric group |
| J. Pure Appl. Algebra |
8. | 陈永川、郭嘉祥、郭龙、黄昊阳、刘玉虎 |
| s-Inversion sequences and $P$-partitions of type $B$ |
| SIAM J. Discrete Math. |
9. | 杨立波,赵静宇 |
| Log-concavity of the Fennessey-Larcombe-French sequence |
| Taiwanese J. Math. |
10. | 孙毅,解红叶,杨立波 |
| Melham's conjecture on odd power sums of Fibonacci numbers |
| Quaest. Math. |
11. | 陈宗青,Sergey Kitaev,孙毅 |
| Word-representability of face subdivisions of triangular grid graphs |
| Graphs Combin. |
12. | 郜璐璐,Sergey Kitaev,张彪 |
| Avoiding vincular patterns on alternating words |
| Discrete Math. |
13. | 崔素平,谷珊珊,黄雄 |
| Congruence properties for a certain kind of partition functions |
| Adv. Math. 290 (2016) 739--772 |
14. | 马迎宾,路在平 |
| Rainbow connection numbers of Cayley graphs |
| J. Comb. Optim. |
15. | 路在平,宋宁 |
| Light edges in 3-connected 2-planar graphs with prescribed minimum degree |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. |
16. | 路在平,宋宁 |
| On the minimum weight of a 3-connected 1-planar graph |
| Bull. Korean Math. Soc. |
17. | C.H. Li,路在平,G.X. Wang |
| Arc-transitive graphs of square-free order and small valency |
| Discrete Math. 339 (2016) 2907--2918 |
18. | 李学良,C. Magnant,魏美芹,朱小宇 |
| Generalized rainbow connection of graphs and their complements |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
19. | 江慧,李学良,张莹莹 |
| More on total monochromatic connection of graphs |
| Ars Combin. |
20. | 邓 波,李学良,王建锋 |
| Further results on L-borderenergetic graphs |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
21. | 雷辉,T. Li,史永堂,H. Wang |
| Wiener polarity index and its generalization in trees |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
22. | 李文静,李学良,张婧姝 |
| Rainbow vertex-connection and forbidden subgraphs |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
23. | 陈 琳,李学良,刘金凤 |
| The k-proper index of graphs |
| Appl. Math. Comput. |
24. | 李学良, Y. Mao, I. Gutman |
| Inverse problem on the Steiner Wiener index |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
25. | J.S. Cai,李学良,G.Y. Yan |
| Improved upper bound for the degenerate and star chromatic numbers of graphs |
| J. Comb. Optim. |
26. | 江 惠,李学良,张莹莹 |
| Total monochromatic connection of graphs |
| Discrete Math. |
27. | 黄 飞,李学良,王书晶 |
| Upper bounds of proper connection number of graphs |
| J. Comb. Optim. |
28. | 常 虹,李学良,覃忠美 |
| Some upper bounds for the 3-proper index of graphs |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. |
29. | 李学良,吴 迪 |
| The (vertex-)monochromatic index of a graph |
| J. Comb. Optim. |
30. | 邓 波,李学良 |
| More on L-borderenergetic graphs |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
31. | D. Hu, 李学良, X.G. Liu, S.G. Zhang |
| The Laplacian energy and Laplacian Estrada index of random multipartite graphs |
| J. Math. Anal. Appl. |
32. | 黄 飞,李学良,王书晶 |
| Proper connection numbers of complementary graphs |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. |
33. | 黄 飞,李学良,覃忠美,C. Magnant |
| Minimum degree condition for proper connection number 2 |
| Theoret. Comput. Sci. |
34. | H.Z. Li,李学良,Y.F. Sun |
| Rainbow connection number of graphs with diameter 3 |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
35. | 李学良,魏美芹,朱小宇 |
| Borderenergetic graphs with small maximum or large minimum degrees |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
36. | 覃忠美,王建锋,杨 康 |
| Oriented bicyclic graphs with the first five large skew energies |
| Ars Combin. |
37. | 邓 波,李学良,I. Gutman |
| More on borderenergetic graphs |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
38. | J. Dong, 李学良 |
| Rainbow connection number and independence number of a graph |
| Graphs Combin. |
39. | X. Chen, 李学良,张莹莹 |
| 3-Regular mixed graphs with optimum Hermitian energy |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
40. | 李学良,覃忠美,杨 康,王建锋 |
| Tricyclic oriented graphs with maximal skew energy |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. |
41. | 李学良,Y.P. Mao |
| Graphs with large generalized (edge-)connectivity |
| Discuss. Math. Graph Theory |
42. | 洪思奥,S.N. Hu,Z.B. Lin |
| New results on the value of a certain arithmetical determinant |
| Acta Math. Hungar. |
43. | 洪思奥 |
| The greatest common divisor of certain binomial coefficients |
| C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I 354 (2016) 756--761 |
44. | D.C. Han,Y. Ren,张汉斌 |
| On *-clean group rings over abelian groups |
| J. Algebra Appl. |