2019.01 - 至今 南开大学 现代光学所 讲师
2016.10 - 2019.01 香港中文大学 机械与自动化工程学系 Postdoctoral Fellow
香港中文大学 深圳研究院 副研究员
2011.09 - 2016.06 南开大学 电子信息与光学工程学院 光学 博士
2009.09 - 2011.06 天津大学 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 光电子技术科学 学士
2007.09 - 2009.06 南开大学 信息技术科学学院 光电子技术科学 学士
1. F. Feng, W. Chen, D. Chen, W. Lin,* and S. C. Chen*,“In-situ ultrasensitive label-free DNA hybridization detection using optical fiber specklegram”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 272, 160-165,2018.
2. W. Lin, H. Zhang, S. C. Chen, B. Liu, and Y. Liu, "Microstructured optical fiber for multichannel sensing based on Fano resonance of the whispering gallery modes", Opt. Express 25(2), 994-1004 (2017). (IF: 3.307, )
3. W. Lin, H. Zhang, B. Liu, B. Song, Y. Li, C. Yang, and Y. Liu, “Laser-tuned whispering gallery modes in a solid-core microstructured optical fibre integrated with magnetic fluids”, Scientific Reports, 5, 17791, 2015.
4. W. Lin, H. Zhang, B. Song, Y. Miao, B. Liu, D. Yan, and Y. Liu, “Magnetically controllable wavelength-division-multiplexing fiber coupler”, Optics Express 23(9), 11123-11134, 2015.
5. W. Lin, B. Liu , H. Zhang , B. Song , D. Yan , Y. Miao , H. Liu, and Y. Liu, “Laser-induced thermal effect for tunable filter employing Ferrofluid and fiber taper coupler”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27(22), 2339-2342, 2015.
6. W. Lin, Y. Miao, B. Song, H. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Liu, and D. Yan, “Multimodal transmission property in a liquid-filled photonic crystal fiber”, Optics Communications 336, 14-19, 2015.
7. W. Lin, B. Song, Y. Miao, H. Zhang, D. Yan, B. Liu, and Y. Liu, “Liquid-filled photonic- crystal-fiber-based multimodal interferometer for simultaneous measurement of temperature and force”, Applied optics 54 (6), 1309-1313, 2015.
8. W. Lin, Y. Miao, H. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Liu, and B. Song, “Fiber-optic in-line magnetic field sensor based on the magnetic fluid and multimode interference effects” Applied Physics Letters 103 (15), 151101, 2013.
9. W. Lin, Y. Miao, H. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Liu, B. Song, and J. Wu, “Two-dimensional magnetic field vector sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg grating and magnetic fluid” Lightwave Technology, Journal of, 31 (15), 2599-2605, 2013.
10. W. Lin, D. Wang, Y. Meng and S. C. Chen, "Multi-focus microscopy with HiLo algorithm for fast 3-D fluorescent imaging", Submitted.
Journal of Lightwave Technology,IEEE Sensor Journal,Optics Express,Optical Engineering等期刊审稿人